#2 Fix Twitter cards

открыта 5 лет назад adrian · комментариев: 0
adrian прокомментировал 5 лет назад

Add twitter:text:title and check with the validator.


The Twitter card internal template requires you to type the absolute path of your featured image into the front matter images array. This is a workaround using a modified partial template:


Add `twitter:text:title` and check with the validator. https://gohugo.io/templates/internal/#twitter-cards The Twitter card internal template requires you to type the absolute path of your featured image into the front matter images array. This is a workaround using a modified partial template: https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/links-for-images-videos-audio-in-internal-templates-twitter-cards-and-opengraph/10464/4
adrian added the
label 5 лет назад
adrian closed this issue 5 лет назад
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