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port 25 note

Luke Smith 4 роки тому
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@@ -46,12 +46,16 @@ actually works perfectly.
2. **A Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for your site's `mail.` subdomain**.
Create a nginx/apache site at `mail.<yourdomain.com>` and get a certificate
for it with Let's Encrypt's [Certbot](https://certbot.eff.org/).
3. - You need two little DNS records set on your domain registrar's site/DNS
3. You need two little DNS records set on your domain registrar's site/DNS
server: (1) an **MX record** pointing to your own main domain/IP and (2) a
**CNAME record** for your `mail.` subdomain.
4. `apt purge` all your previous (failed) attempts to install and configure a
mailserver. Get rid of _all_ your system settings for Postfix, Dovecot,
OpenDKIM and everything else. This script builds off of a fresh install.
5. Some VPS providers block port 25 (used to send mail). You may need to
request that this port be opened to send mail successfully. Although I have
never had to do this on a Vultr VPS, others have had this issue so if you
cannot send, contact your VPS provider.

## Post-install requirement!
