@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ subdom=${MAIL_SUBDOM:-mail} |
maildomain="$subdom.$domain" |
certdir="/etc/letsencrypt/live/$maildomain" |
[ ! -d "$certdir" ] && certdir="$(dirname "$(certbot certificates 2>/dev/null | grep "$maildomain\|*.$domain" -A 2 | awk '/Certificate Path/ {print $3}' | head -n1)")" |
[ ! -d "$certdir" ] && |
possiblecert="$(certbot certificates 2>/dev/null | grep "$maildomain\|*\.$domain" -A 2 | awk '/Certificate Path/ {print $3}' | head -n1)" && |
certdir="${possiblecert%/*}" |
[ ! -d "$certdir" ] && echo "Note! You must first have a Let's Encrypt Certbot HTTPS/SSL Certificate for $maildomain. |
Use Let's Encrypt's Certbot to get that and then rerun this script. |
You may need to set up a dummy $maildomain site in nginx or Apache for that to work." && exit 1 |
Use Let's Encrypt's Certbot to get that and then rerun this script." && exit 1 |