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@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
2017-06-27,Wired UK,"Phone boxes across the UK are being turned into free 1Gbps Wi-Fi hotspots and charging stations",,Camden
2017-06-27,Mobile News,"First InLink hits Camden High Street",,Camden
2017-06-27,Gizmodo UK,"Goodbye phone boxes, hello wifi kiosk: Hands on with BT InLink",,Camden
2017-10-26,Camden New Journal,"Police urge Town Hall to block new wave of phone boxes",,Camden
2017-11-29,Wandsworth Guardian,"Residents call for council to reject new 'eyesore' BT kiosks",,Wandsworth
2017-12-19,Wandsworth Guardian,"Plans to install new BT kiosks in Wandsworth approved by council",,Wandsworth
2018-02-16,Wired UK,"Stop replacing London’s phone boxes with corporate surveillance",,London
@@ -8,9 +11,13 @@ publish_date,publication,title,url,authorities
2018-04-06,Adblock Bristol,"Act now! 34 new digital advertising screens planned for Bristol city centre",,Bristol
2018-04-12,Bristol Post,"BT's new InLink WiFi portals will introduce dozens of new security cameras to Bristol's streets",,Bristol
2018-04-17,Bristol Cable,"Opinion: Bristol’s new phoneboxes could end up spying on you",,Bristol|London
2018-04-20,Sky News,"Swipe: Upgraded phone boxes",,
2018-04-23,Bristol Walking Alliance,"InLink advertising monoliths",,Bristol
2018-05-23,Adblock Bristol,"Success! 34 digital advertising screens rejected by Bristol City Council",,Bristol
2018-07-07,Ham&High,"Revealed: How new digital phone boxes are helping to drive Camden’s drug trade",,Camden
2018-09-07,Engineering and Technology,"Crime link stalls 5G phone boxes",,Tower Hamlets|Bristol|Camden|Coventry|Kingston upon Thames|Liverpool
2018-09-10,Gizmodo UK,"Police postpone installation of BT's 5G internet kiosks over drug links",,Camden|Bristol|Tower Hamlets
2018-09-10,Huffpost UK,"BT digital kiosks expansion halted after claims they're 'used mainly for drug dealing'",,Camden|Tower Hamlets|Bristol|Liverpool|Coventry|Kingston upon Thames
2018-09-14,Engineering and Technology,"Westminster brands 5G phone kiosks a deceit",,Westminster|Bristol|City of London|Hackney|Hammersmith|Islington|Kingston upon Thames|Liverpool|Tower Hamlets
2018-09-29,New York Times,"On crowded London streets, councils fight a flood of phone boxes",,Westminster
2018-10-02,Sutton Guardian,"BT InLink kiosks: Plans to build Sutton's first units thrown out",,Sutton|Leeds|Glasgow|Newcastle|Swansea

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