%h1 Appeals .warning %p The applicant has the right to appeal against a council's decision to refuse planning permission. An independent planning inspector reviews the case and decides whether to uphold the original decision or to overturn it. %p Appeals are decided by the %a( href = "https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/planning-inspectorate")< Planning Inspectorate for England and Wales, the %a( href = "https://www.dpea.scotland.gov.uk")< Planning and Environmental Appeals Division of the Scottish government, and the %a( href = "https://www.pacni.gov.uk")< Planning Appeals Commission for Northern Ireland. %h2 Summary %table#summary %thead %tr %th Authority %th Appeal status %th Appeal decision %th Applications %tbody - summary.each do |row| %tr %td.nowrap %a{ href: authority_url(row['authority_name']) } = row['authority_name'] %td= cleanup(row['appeal_status']) %td= cleanup(row['appeal_decision']) %td.right= row['applications'] %h2 Appealed applications %p= download_button('inlink-appeals.csv') %table#applications %thead %tr %th Authority %th Authority reference %th Authority decision %th Address %th Appeal status %th Appeal decision %tbody - apps.each do |app| %tr %td.nowrap %a{ href: authority_url(app['authority_name']) } = app['authority_name'] %td %a{ href: app['info_url']} = app['council_reference'] %td.nowrap= short_date(app['date_decision']) %td= app['address'] %td= cleanup(app['appeal_status']) %td= cleanup(app['appeal_decision'])