- require 'scraperwiki'
- require 'petrify'
- require 'csv'
- require 'json'
- require 'rss'
- else
- puts "KIOSKS_SITEURL environment variable must be set to the base URL of the site without a trailing slash, eg:"
- puts "export KIOSKS_SITEURL=https://kiosks.adrianshort.org"
- exit 1
- end
- class Site
- def self.generate
- Petrify.setup
- # Home page
- summary = ScraperWiki.select("
- authority_name, status, decision, appeal_status, appeal_decision,
- count(*) as applications
- from applications
- group by authority_name, status, decision, appeal_status, appeal_decision
- ")
- q = ScraperWiki.select("
- scraped_at
- from applications
- order by scraped_at desc
- limit 1")
- last_updated = DateTime.parse(q[0]['scraped_at'])
- path = '.'
- Petrify.page(path, 'index', \
- { summary: summary, last_updated: last_updated })
- Petrify.csv(path, 'kiosks-summary', summary)
- # Generate a JSON file with all the data
- apps = ScraperWiki.select("* from applications")
- Petrify.file(path, 'data.json', apps.to_json)
- # New applications page
- apps = ScraperWiki.select("* from `applications`
- order by date_received desc limit 60")
- Petrify.page('new-applications', 'new-applications', { apps: apps, title: "New applications" })
- # Latest decisions page
- apps = ScraperWiki.select("* from `applications`
- order by date_decision desc limit 60")
- path = 'decisions'
- Petrify.page(path, 'decisions', { apps: apps, title: "Latest decisions" })
- Petrify.csv(path, 'kiosks-decisions', apps)
- # Appeals page
- summary = ScraperWiki.select("
- authority_name, status, decision, appeal_status, appeal_decision,
- count(*) as applications
- from applications
- where (appeal_status is not null
- and appeal_status != 'Unknown')
- or status like '%appeal%'
- group by authority_name, appeal_status, appeal_decision
- collate nocase
- ")
- apps = ScraperWiki.select("
- * from applications
- where (appeal_status is not null
- and appeal_status != 'Unknown')
- or status like '%appeal%'
- collate nocase
- ")
- path = 'appeals'
- Petrify.page(path, 'appeals', { summary: summary, apps: apps, title: "Appeals" })
- Petrify.csv(path, 'kiosks-appeals', apps)
- # Media page
- stories = CSV.read('media.csv', :headers => true )
- Petrify.page('media', 'media', { stories: stories, title: "Media" })
- feed = RSS::Maker.make("2.0") do |maker|
- maker.channel.title = "InLinkUK kiosks media coverage"
- maker.channel.description = "News and views about Google's UK street kiosk network."
- maker.channel.link = "#{SITEURL}/media/"
- maker.channel.updated = Time.now.to_s
- stories.each do |story|
- maker.items.new_item do |item|
- item.link = story['url']
- item.title = "%s: %s" % [ story['publication'], story['title'] ]
- item.updated = story['publish_date']
- if story['authorities']
- links = []
- story['authorities'].split('|').each do |auth|
- auth.strip!
- links << "<a href=%s>%s</a>" % [ SITEURL + authority_url(auth), auth ]
- end
- item.description = links.join(', ')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Petrify.file('media', 'index.xml', feed)
- # Authority pages
- auths = ScraperWiki.select("distinct(authority_name) as authority_name
- from applications")
- auths.each do |auth|
- summary = ScraperWiki.select("
- status, decision, appeal_status, appeal_decision, count(*) as qty
- from applications
- where authority_name = ?
- group by status, decision, appeal_status, appeal_decision
- ", auth['authority_name'])
- apps = ScraperWiki.select("* from applications where authority_name = ?
- order by date_received desc", auth['authority_name'])
- this_stories = stories.select do |story|
- if story['authorities']
- story['authorities'].match(auth['authority_name'])
- end
- end
- path = ['authorities', slug(auth['authority_name'])]
- Petrify.page(path, 'authority', \
- { apps: apps, auth: auth, summary: summary, stories: this_stories, title: auth['authority_name'] })
- Petrify.csv(path, slug(auth['authority_name']), apps)
- # RSS feed for this authority's media stories
- feed = RSS::Maker.make("2.0") do |maker|
- maker.channel.title = "#{auth['authority_name']} InLinkUK kiosks media coverage"
- maker.channel.description = "News and views about Google's UK street kiosk network in #{auth['authority_name']}."
- maker.channel.link = "#{SITEURL}#{authority_url(auth['authority_name'])}"
- maker.channel.updated = Time.now.to_s
- this_stories.each do |story|
- maker.items.new_item do |item|
- item.link = story['url']
- item.title = "%s: %s" % [ story['publication'], story['title'] ]
- item.updated = story['publish_date']
- if story['authorities']
- links = []
- story['authorities'].split('|').each do |auth|
- auth.strip!
- links << "<a href=%s>%s</a>" % [ SITEURL + authority_url(auth), auth ]
- end
- item.description = links.join(', ')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Petrify.file(path, 'media.xml', feed)
- end
- end
- end