- %h1= auth['authority_name']
- %h2 Summary
- %p.warning There are typically two applications per kiosk: one for full planning permission or telecoms prior approval, and one for advertisement consent. So the number of kiosks applied for is half the number of applications.
- %table#summary
- %thead
- %tr
- %th Status
- %th Decision
- %th Appeal status
- %th Appeal decision
- %th Applications
- %tbody
- - summary.each do |row|
- %tr
- %td= cleanup(row['status'])
- %td= cleanup(row['decision'])
- %td= cleanup(row['appeal_status'])
- %td= cleanup(row['appeal_decision'])
- %td.right= row['qty']
- %h2 Media
- %p
- %a{ :rel => 'alternate', :type => 'application/rss+xml', :href => 'media.xml' }
- RSS feed for BT Street Hub media stories in
- = auth['authority_name']
- - if stories.size > 0
- %table
- - stories.each do |item|
- %tr
- %td.nowrap= short_date(item['publish_date'])
- %td.nowrap= item['publication']
- %td
- %a{ :href => item['url'] }<
- = item['title']
- - else
- %p No media stories.
- %h2 Applications
- %p= download_button(slug(auth['authority_name']) + '.csv')
- %table#applications
- %thead
- %tr
- %th Received
- %th Reference
- %th Address
- %th Status
- %th Decision
- - apps.each do |app|
- %tr
- %td.nowrap= short_date(app['date_received'])
- %td
- %a{ href: app['info_url']}
- = app['council_reference']
- %td= app['address']
- %td= cleanup(app['status'])
- %td= cleanup(app['decision'])