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Roland Puntaier 5 years ago
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- 344 View File

@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
% mw(1) Version 1.0 | mutt-wizard man page

To test man page:

pandoc -s -t man | /usr/bin/man -l -

The generate:

pandoc -s -t man -o mw.1


**mw** — mutt-wizard - add, list, remove email configurations for mbsync, getmail and mutt. Sync email without mutt.


**mw** \[\<command\>\|\<email\>\]

| *mw* Same as *mw sync*
| *mw add* Add and configure an email address (9 max.)
| *mw list* List configured accounts
| *mw remove* Pick an account to remove
| *mw purge* Remove all accounts and settings
| *mw cron* Enable or disable an autosync via cronjob
| *mw sync* Sync mail based on config in *.config/isync/mbsyncrc* and *.config/getmail/\**
| *mw --help|-h* Print this message
| *mw --version|-v* Print version


**mw** configures **mbsync**, **getmail**, **msmtp** and **mutt** in one go, or just **mutt**.
Note, **mutt** stands for **mutt** or **neomutt**, but **mw** settings was only tested with **neomutt**.


Without command parameter **sync** is assumed.
If a parameter contains *@* an email is assumed and synced.


: Add new email.

- First you decide, whether you want to configure
- **mbsync**, **getmail**, **msmtp** to sync emails independently from **mutt** using **mw**,
- or just **mutt**.
For an IMAP server **mutt** becomes very slow.
Normally you enter **y**.
- It asks you the **email address**.
- It has a **database** of IMAP4/POP3 and SMTP servers and ports.
If you are lucky, your email server is there.
Else it will prompt you.


: List all email accounts configured by mutt-wizard


: Remove the configuration files for an already configured email


: Removes all mw generated mutt settings and


: toggle a cronjob that periodically syncs mail


: syncs mail for all email accounts managed by *mw* (whose paths end in the email).
This is the default, if no parameter is given.
If an email address is given, only that email is synced.

- Every **mw** sync run will re-generate the **mutt** configuration
from the configuration files for **mbsync**, **getmail** and **msmtp**.
So you could edit them after or not use *mw add* at all.

Just keep the *Path*, *path* and *account* ending in the email address.

Files are under *.config* or *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME*:

~/.config/isync/mbsync (since not mbsync's default, you would need a -c option. Use mw, instead).

- The generated **mutt** configuration has these bindings
- *ixy/Mxy/Cxy* bindings to switch/move/copy to mailbox (x and y stand for other letters)
- *i[1-9]* bindings to switch account

- */usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc* is linked in your *muttrc*.
Have this line there, if you prefer your own settings:

# source /usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc

You will need to keep the binding of *i,g,C,M* to *noop*, though,
because of the generated bindings in the account muttrc.
Else you can overwrite certain things after the uncommented sourcing line.


- *pass* - [pass]( safely encrypts passwords (**required for email setup**)
- *gnupg* - needed by *pass*
- *mutt/neomutt* - the email client (*mutt* untested).
- *isync's mbsync* - syncs the mail
- *getmail* - used for POP3
- *msmtp* - sends the email


- *w3m* - view HTML email and images in **mutt**.

- *notmuch* - index and search mail.
If the configuration file in *$NOTMUCH_CONFIG* is not there, *mw add* will create it.

- *libnotify* - allows notifications when syncing mail with *mw*

- *abook* - a terminal-based address book.

- A cron manager (e.g. *cronie*) - if you want to enable the auto-sync feature.

- *pam-gnupg* - To provide your GPG key at login and never after.
See [directions](

Alternatively increasing *default-cache-ttl* and
*max-cache-ttl* in *gpg-agent.conf* avoid constant password requests.

- *urlscan* - outputs urls in mail


git clone
cd mutt-wizard
sudo make install

User of Arch-based distros can also install mutt-wizard from the AUR as [mw-git](


Once everything is setup, you'll use **mutt** to access your mail.

Mutt usage with the accompanied */usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc*:

- *?* - see all keyboard shortcuts


- *gm / gM* - call mutt-wizard's *mw sync* for one / all mail accounts


- *ixy* - To go to **mailbox**.
- *Mxy*, *Cxy* - For *M*ove and *C*opy to the according mailbox, e.g. *Msp* means "move to Spam".
- *i#* - Press *i* followed by a number 1-9 to go to a **different account**.

*xy* are

- two first letters of mailbox letters or
- first letter of first path entry + second letter of second path entries


- *S* - search for a mail using *notmuch*
- *gl* - limit by substring of subject
- *gL* - undo limit


- *ga* - to add address/person to *abook* and *Tab* while typing address to complete one from book.
- *m/r/gr/f* - new/reply/group reply/forward **message**, using your default *$EDITOR* to write.
Then you enter the **compose screen**.
- *a* - to add attachments
- *s/t/c/b/d* - to change the subject/to/CC/BCC/description.
- *S* - to change the signature/encryption
- *y* - to send the mail.


- *dd* - delete mail
- *u* - undelete
- *$* - apply the mailbox changes
*set trash* is set per default. Deleted mails will land there.
- *s* - save selected mail or selected attachment

**moving around**

- *gu* - open a menu to select a url you want to open in you browser (needs urlscan).
- *j*/*k* - next/previous mail, *J/K* same, without skipping deleted, and also when viewing mails
- *ctrl-d/f*/*ctrl-u/b* - down and up a half page / full page
- *l* - open mail, or attachment page or attachment
- *h* - the opposite of *l*


- *B* - toggles
- *ctrl-j*/*ctrl-k* - move up and down
- *ctrl-l/o* - opens mailbox

**input field/command line**

- *ctrl-u* will clear it
- *ctrl-a*, *ctrl-e* go to beginning or end, *ctrl-g* aborts

Look into */usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc* to see all bindings.



*isync* is not fully UTF-8 compatible.
Non-Latin characters may be garbled (although sync should succeed).
*mw* will also not auto-create mailbox shortcuts since it is looking for English mailbox names.
I strongly recommend you to set your email language to English on your mail server to avoid these problems.

**Mail location**

: Mail is downloaded to a folder named after your email
in *\$MAILDIR*, which defaults to *\$HOME/Mail/*, the default for mutt.
Neither **mw remove** nor **mw purge** will delete downloaded mail.
Do that manually.

**Gmail accounts**

: Google will require you to allow \"less-secure\" (third party)
applications or use two-factor authentication in order to access
their IMAP servers to download your mail.
If you use Gmail, be sure to handle this before running mutt-wizard

**Protonmail accounts**

: Protonmail users must use the Protonmail Bridge
\<\> to access their IMAP and SMTP
servers. This too should be configured before running mutt-wizard.

**Enterprise and university accounts**

: Many universities and businesses might host their domain\'s email
via Google or another service.
This often requires a special IMAP/SMTP-specific password
that you must generate and use. Again, mutt-wizard can handle these
systems, but only once they have been set up.



: The main script to manage and sync emails.

*/user/bin/mwimage*, */user/bin/mwopen*

: Used by the mailcap file that comes with mutt-wizard.


: Default mutt settings.


: Default mailcap file.


: Email server database.


GitHub Issues: <>


*Luke Smith \<\>*

: Original author, started in 2018.

Github \<\>

Gitlab \<\>

*Roland Puntaier \<roland.puntaier\\>*

: Bugfixes, Improvements in 2019.

GitHub: \<\>

- Honors *$MAILDIR*, *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME*, *$XDG_CACHE_HOME*, if defined.
- *gm/gM* to sync mail inside *mutt*, as *o/O* has a *mutt* assignment already.
- Other more vim-like shortcut changes
- Make channel name equal to email address to avoid choosing a new name for the same thing.
- *remove|rm* instead of *delete*, *list|ls* instead of only *ls*
- *wm* integrates *mailsync*, not to overload the system namespace and because of code reuse
- *wm* generates *mutt* config on every full sync,
- to reflect changes in mailboxes in the shortcuts
- to reflect changes in *mbsync/getmail* config in *mutt* config
- *urlscan* instead of *urlview*
- Added tests and made bug fixes
- Generate man page from readme, to avoid duplicate descriptions




**neomutt**(1), **neomuttrc**(1) **mbsync**(1), **msmtp**(1),
**notmuch**(1), **abook**(1)

+ 339
- 0
README.rst View File

@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
mw(1) Version 1.0 \| mutt-wizard man page

.. To test man page:
.. pandoc README.rst -s -t man | /usr/bin/man -l -
.. The generate:
.. pandoc README.rst -s -t man -o mw.1


**mw** — mutt-wizard - add, list, remove email configurations for
mbsync, getmail and mutt. Sync email without mutt.


**mw** [<command>|<email>]

| **mw** Same as *mw sync*
| **mw add** Add and configure an email address (9 max.)
| **mw list** List configured accounts
| **mw remove** Pick an account to remove
| **mw purge** Remove all accounts and settings
| **mw cron** Enable or disable an autosync via cronjob
| **mw sync** Sync mail based on config in *.config/isync/mbsyncrc * and *.config/getmail/\**
| **mw –help\|-h** Print this message
| **mw –version\|-v** Print version


**mw** configures **mbsync**, **getmail**, **msmtp** and **mutt** in one
go, or just **mutt**. Note, **mutt** stands for **mutt** or **neomutt**,
but **mw** settings was only tested with **neomutt**.


Without command parameter **sync** is assumed. If a parameter contains @
an email is assumed and synced.


Add new email.

- First you decide, whether you want to configure
- **mbsync**, **getmail**, **msmtp** to sync emails independently from **mutt** using **mw**,
- or just **mutt**.
For an IMAP server **mutt** becomes very slow.
Normally you enter **y**.
- It asks you the **email address**.
- It has a **database** of IMAP4/POP3 and SMTP servers and ports.
If you are lucky, your email server is there.
Else it will prompt you.


List all email accounts configured by mutt-wizard


Remove the configuration files for an already configured email


Removes all mw generated mutt settings and

| *.config/mutt/accounts/1-\**
| *.config/isync/mbsyncrc*
| *.config/getmail/\**
| *.config/msmtp/config*

Files are under *.config* or *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME*.


toggle a cronjob that periodically syncs mail


syncs mail for all email accounts managed by *mw* (whose paths end in the email).
This is the default, if no parameter is given.
If an email address is given, only that email is synced.

- Every **mw** sync run will re-generate the **mutt** configuration
from the configuration files for **mbsync**, **getmail** and **msmtp**.
So you could edit them after or not use *mw add* at all.

Just keep the *Path*, *path* and *account* ending in the email address.

- The generated **mutt** configuration has these bindings
- *ixy/Mxy/Cxy* bindings to switch/move/copy to mailbox (x and y stand for other letters)
- *i[1-9]* bindings to switch account

- */usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc* is linked in your *muttrc*.
Have this line there, if you prefer your own settings::

# source /usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc

You will need to keep the binding of *i,g,C,M* to *noop*, though,
because of the generated bindings in the account muttrc.
Else you can overwrite certain things after the uncommented sourcing line.


- *pass* - `pass <>`__ safely encrypts passwords (**required for email setup**)
- *gnupg* - needed by *pass*
- *mutt/neomutt* - the email client (*mutt* untested).
- *isync’s mbsync* - syncs the mail
- *getmail* - used for POP3
- *msmtp* - sends the email


- *w3m* - view HTML email and images in **mutt**.

- *notmuch* - index and search mail. If the configuration file in
*$NOTMUCH_CONFIG* is not there, *mw add* will create it.

- *libnotify* - allows notifications when syncing mail with *mw*

- *abook* - a terminal-based address book.

- A cron manager (e.g. *cronie*) - if you want to enable the auto-sync

- *pam-gnupg* - To provide your GPG key at login and never after. See
`directions <>`__.

Alternatively increasing *default-cache-ttl* and *max-cache-ttl* in
*gpg-agent.conf* avoid constant password requests.

- *urlscan* - outputs urls in mail



git clone
cd mutt-wizard
sudo make install

User of Arch-based distros can also install mutt-wizard from the AUR as
`mw-git <>`__.


Once everything is setup, you’ll use **mutt** to access your mail.

Mutt usage with the accompanied */usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc*:

- *?* - see all keyboard shortcuts


- *gm / gM* - call mutt-wizard’s *mw sync* for one / all mail accounts


- *ixy* - To go to **mailbox**.
- *Mxy*, *Cxy* - For *M*\ ove and *C*\ opy to the according mailbox,
e.g. \ *Msp* means “move to Spam”.
- *i#* - Press *i* followed by a number 1-9 to go to a **different

*xy* are

- two first letters of mailbox letters or
- first letter of first path entry + second letter of second path


- *S* - search for a mail using *notmuch*
- *gl* - limit by substring of subject
- *gL* - undo limit


- *ga* - to add address/person to *abook* and *Tab* while typing
address to complete one from book.
- *m/r/gr/f* - new/reply/group reply/forward **message**, using your
default *$EDITOR* to write. Then you enter the **compose screen**.
- *a* - to add attachments
- *s/t/c/b/d* - to change the subject/to/CC/BCC/description.
- *S* - to change the signature/encryption
- *y* - to send the mail.


- *dd* - delete mail
- *u* - undelete
- *$* - apply the mailbox changes *set trash* is set per default.
Deleted mails will land there.
- *s* - save selected mail or selected attachment

**moving around**

- *gu* - open a menu to select a url you want to open in you browser
(needs urlscan).
- *j*/*k* - next/previous mail, *J/K* same, without skipping deleted,
and also when viewing mails
- *ctrl-d/f*/*ctrl-u/b* - down and up a half page / full page
- *l* - open mail, or attachment page or attachment
- *h* - the opposite of *l*


- *B* - toggles
- *ctrl-j*/*ctrl-k* - move up and down
- *ctrl-l/o* - opens mailbox

**input field/command line**

- *ctrl-u* will clear it
- *ctrl-a*, *ctrl-e* go to beginning or end, *ctrl-g* aborts

Look into */usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc* to see all bindings.



*isync* is not fully UTF-8 compatible. Non-Latin characters may be
garbled (although sync should succeed). *mw* will also not auto-create
mailbox shortcuts since it is looking for English mailbox names. I
strongly recommend you to set your email language to English on your
mail server to avoid these problems.

**Mail location**

Mail is downloaded to a folder named after your email
in *\$MAILDIR*, which defaults to *\$HOME/Mail/*, the default for mutt.
Neither **mw remove** nor **mw purge** will delete downloaded mail.
Do that manually.

**Gmail accounts**

Google will require you to allow "less-secure" (third party)
applications or use two-factor authentication in order to access
their IMAP servers to download your mail.
If you use Gmail, be sure to handle this before running mutt-wizard

**Protonmail accounts**

Protonmail users must use the Protonmail Bridge
<> to access their IMAP and SMTP
servers. This too should be configured before running mutt-wizard.

**Enterprise and university accounts**

Many universities and businesses might host their domain\'s email
via Google or another service.
This often requires a special IMAP/SMTP-specific password
that you must generate and use. Again, mutt-wizard can handle these
systems, but only once they have been set up.


The main script to manage and sync emails.

*/user/bin/mwimage*, */user/bin/mwopen*
Used by the mailcap file that comes with mutt-wizard.

Default mutt settings.

Default mailcap file.

Email server database.


GitHub Issues: <>


*Luke Smith* <>
Original author, started in 2018.

Github <>

Gitlab <>

*Roland Puntaier* <>
Bugfixes, Improvements in 2019.

GitHub: <>

- Honors *:math:`MAILDIR*, *`\ XDG_CONFIG_HOME*, *$XDG_CACHE_HOME*,
if defined.
- *gm/gM* to sync mail inside *mutt*, as *o/O* has a *mutt*
assignment already.
- Other more vim-like shortcut changes
- Make channel name equal to email address to avoid choosing a new
name for the same thing.
- *remove|rm* instead of *delete*, *list|ls* instead of only *ls*
- *wm* integrates *mailsync*, not to overload the system namespace
and because of code reuse
- *wm* generates *mutt* config on every full sync,

- to reflect changes in mailboxes in the shortcuts
- to reflect changes in *mbsync/getmail* config in *mutt* config

- *urlscan* instead of *urlview*
- Added tests and made bug fixes
- Generate man page from readme, to avoid duplicate descriptions




**neomutt**\ (1), **neomuttrc**\ (1) **mbsync**\ (1), **msmtp**\ (1),
**notmuch**\ (1), **abook**\ (1)

+ 95
- 62
mw.1 View File

@@ -11,40 +11,40 @@ Sync email without mutt.
\f[B]mw\f[R] [<command>|<email>] \f[B]mw\f[R] [<command>|<email>]
\ \ \ \f[I]mw\f[R] Same as \f[I]mw sync\f[R]
\f[B]mw\f[R] Same as \f[I]mw sync\f[R]
.PD 0 .PD 0
.P .P
\ \ \ \f[I]mw add\f[R] Add and configure an email address (9 max.)
\f[B]mw add\f[R] Add and configure an email address (9 max.)
.PD 0 .PD 0
.P .P
\ \ \ \f[I]mw list\f[R] List configured accounts
\f[B]mw list\f[R] List configured accounts
.PD 0 .PD 0
.P .P
\ \ \ \f[I]mw remove\f[R] Pick an account to remove
\f[B]mw remove\f[R] Pick an account to remove
.PD 0 .PD 0
.P .P
\ \ \ \f[I]mw purge\f[R] Remove all accounts and settings
\f[B]mw purge\f[R] Remove all accounts and settings
.PD 0 .PD 0
.P .P
\ \ \ \f[I]mw cron\f[R] Enable or disable an autosync via cronjob
\f[B]mw cron\f[R] Enable or disable an autosync via cronjob
.PD 0 .PD 0
.P .P
\ \ \ \f[I]mw sync\f[R] Sync mail based on config in
\f[B]mw sync\f[R] Sync mail based on config in
\f[I].config/isync/mbsyncrc\f[R] and \f[I].config/getmail/*\f[R] \f[I].config/isync/mbsyncrc\f[R] and \f[I].config/getmail/*\f[R]
.PD 0 .PD 0
.P .P
\ \ \ \f[I]mw \[en]help|-h\f[R] Print this message
\f[B]mw \[en]help|-h\f[R] Print this message
.PD 0 .PD 0
.P .P
\ \ \ \f[I]mw \[en]version|-v\f[R] Print version
\f[B]mw \[en]version|-v\f[R] Print version
\f[B]mw\f[R] configures \f[B]mbsync\f[R], \f[B]getmail\f[R], \f[B]mw\f[R] configures \f[B]mbsync\f[R], \f[B]getmail\f[R],
@@ -54,14 +54,15 @@ Note, \f[B]mutt\f[R] stands for \f[B]mutt\f[R] or \f[B]neomutt\f[R], but
Without command parameter \f[B]sync\f[R] is assumed. Without command parameter \f[B]sync\f[R] is assumed.
If a parameter contains *\[at]* an email is assumed and synced.
.B \f[I]add\f[R]
Add new email.
If a parameter contains \[at] an email is assumed and synced.
.IP \[bu] 2
First you decide, whether you want to configure
.RS 2
Add new email.
\[bu] .RS 2
.B First you decide, whether you want to configure
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
\f[B]mbsync\f[R], \f[B]getmail\f[R], \f[B]msmtp\f[R] to sync emails \f[B]mbsync\f[R], \f[B]getmail\f[R], \f[B]msmtp\f[R] to sync emails
independently from \f[B]mutt\f[R] using \f[B]mw\f[R], independently from \f[B]mutt\f[R] using \f[B]mw\f[R],
@@ -77,27 +78,54 @@ It has a \f[B]database\f[R] of IMAP4/POP3 and SMTP servers and ports.
If you are lucky, your email server is there. If you are lucky, your email server is there.
Else it will prompt you. Else it will prompt you.
.B \f[I]ls|list\f[R]
List all email accounts configured by mutt-wizard List all email accounts configured by mutt-wizard
.B \f[I]rm|remove\f[R]
Remove the configuration files for an already configured email Remove the configuration files for an already configured email
.B \f[I]purge\f[R]
Removes all mw generated mutt settings and *.config/mutt/accounts/1-***
\f[I].config/isync/mbsyncrc\f[R] *.config/getmail/**
Removes all mw generated mutt settings and
.PD 0
.PD 0
.PD 0
\f[I].config/msmtp/config\f[R] \f[I].config/msmtp/config\f[R]
.B \f[I]cron\f[R]
Files are under \f[I].config\f[R] or \f[I]$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[R].
toggle a cronjob that periodically syncs mail toggle a cronjob that periodically syncs mail
.B \f[I]sync\f[R]
syncs mail for all email accounts managed by \f[I]mw\f[R] (whose paths syncs mail for all email accounts managed by \f[I]mw\f[R] (whose paths
end in the email). end in the email).
This is the default, if no parameter is given. This is the default, if no parameter is given.
If an email address is given, only that email is synced. If an email address is given, only that email is synced.
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
Every \f[B]mw\f[R] sync run will re-generate the \f[B]mutt\f[R] Every \f[B]mw\f[R] sync run will re-generate the \f[B]mutt\f[R]
configuration from the configuration files for \f[B]mbsync\f[R], configuration from the configuration files for \f[B]mbsync\f[R],
@@ -107,17 +135,6 @@ So you could edit them after or not use \f[I]mw add\f[R] at all.
Just keep the \f[I]Path\f[R], \f[I]path\f[R] and \f[I]account\f[R] Just keep the \f[I]Path\f[R], \f[I]path\f[R] and \f[I]account\f[R]
ending in the email address. ending in the email address.
Files are under \f[I].config\f[R] or \f[I]$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[R]:
\[ti]/.config/isync/mbsync (since not mbsync\[aq]s default, you would need a -c option. Use mw, instead).
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
The generated \f[B]mutt\f[R] configuration has these bindings The generated \f[B]mutt\f[R] configuration has these bindings
@@ -175,8 +192,8 @@ If the configuration file in \f[I]$NOTMUCH_CONFIG\f[R] is not there,
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
\f[I]abook\f[R] - a terminal-based address book. \f[I]abook\f[R] - a terminal-based address book.
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
A cron manager (e.g.\ \f[I]cronie\f[R]) - if you want to enable the
auto-sync feature.
A cron manager (e.g.\ *cronie*) - if you want to enable the auto-sync
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
\f[I]pam-gnupg\f[R] - To provide your GPG key at login and never after. \f[I]pam-gnupg\f[R] - To provide your GPG key at login and never after.
See directions ( See directions (
@@ -223,12 +240,14 @@ the according mailbox, e.g.\ \f[I]Msp\f[R] means \[lq]move to Spam\[rq].
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
\f[I]i#\f[R] - Press \f[I]i\f[R] followed by a number 1-9 to go to a \f[I]i#\f[R] - Press \f[I]i\f[R] followed by a number 1-9 to go to a
\f[B]different account\f[R]. \f[B]different account\f[R].
.RS 2
\f[I]xy\f[R] are \f[I]xy\f[R] are
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
two first letters of mailbox letters or two first letters of mailbox letters or
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
first letter of first path entry + second letter of second path entries first letter of first path entry + second letter of second path entries
\f[B]searching\f[R] \f[B]searching\f[R]
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
@@ -299,8 +318,9 @@ page
Look into \f[I]/usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc\f[R] to see all bindings. Look into \f[I]/usr/share/mutt-wizard.muttrc\f[R] to see all bindings.
.B Encoding
\f[I]isync\f[R] is not fully UTF-8 compatible. \f[I]isync\f[R] is not fully UTF-8 compatible.
Non-Latin characters may be garbled (although sync should succeed). Non-Latin characters may be garbled (although sync should succeed).
@@ -308,34 +328,48 @@ Non-Latin characters may be garbled (although sync should succeed).
looking for English mailbox names. looking for English mailbox names.
I strongly recommend you to set your email language to English on your I strongly recommend you to set your email language to English on your
mail server to avoid these problems. mail server to avoid these problems.
.B \f[B]Mail location\f[R]
\f[B]Mail location\f[R]
Mail is downloaded to a folder named after your email in Mail is downloaded to a folder named after your email in
\f[I]$MAILDIR\f[R], which defaults to \f[I]$HOME/Mail/\f[R], the default \f[I]$MAILDIR\f[R], which defaults to \f[I]$HOME/Mail/\f[R], the default
for mutt. for mutt.
Neither \f[B]mw remove\f[R] nor \f[B]mw purge\f[R] will delete Neither \f[B]mw remove\f[R] nor \f[B]mw purge\f[R] will delete
downloaded mail. downloaded mail.
Do that manually. Do that manually.
.B \f[B]Gmail accounts\f[R]
\f[B]Gmail accounts\f[R]
Google will require you to allow \[dq]less-secure\[dq] (third party) Google will require you to allow \[dq]less-secure\[dq] (third party)
applications or use two-factor authentication in order to access their applications or use two-factor authentication in order to access their
IMAP servers to download your mail. IMAP servers to download your mail.
If you use Gmail, be sure to handle this before running mutt-wizard If you use Gmail, be sure to handle this before running mutt-wizard
.B \f[B]Protonmail accounts\f[R]
\f[B]Protonmail accounts\f[R]
Protonmail users must use the Protonmail Bridge Protonmail users must use the Protonmail Bridge
<> to access their IMAP and SMTP servers.
<<>> to access their IMAP and SMTP
This too should be configured before running mutt-wizard. This too should be configured before running mutt-wizard.
.B \f[B]Enterprise and university accounts\f[R]
\f[B]Enterprise and university accounts\f[R]
Many universities and businesses might host their domain\[aq]s email via Many universities and businesses might host their domain\[aq]s email via
Google or another service. Google or another service.
This often requires a special IMAP/SMTP-specific password that you must This often requires a special IMAP/SMTP-specific password that you must
generate and use. generate and use.
Again, mutt-wizard can handle these systems, but only once they have Again, mutt-wizard can handle these systems, but only once they have
been set up. been set up.
.B \f[I]/user/bin/mw\f[R] .B \f[I]/user/bin/mw\f[R]
@@ -354,26 +388,25 @@ Default mailcap file.
Email server database. Email server database.
GitHub Issues: <>
GitHub Issues: <<>>
.B \f[I]Luke Smith <foo\[at]>\f[R]
.B \f[I]Luke Smith\f[R] <<>>
Original author, started in 2018. Original author, started in 2018.
Github <>
Github <<>>
Gitlab <>
Gitlab <<>>
.B \f[I]Roland Puntaier <roland.puntaier\[at]>\f[R]
.B \f[I]Roland Puntaier\f[R] <<>>
Bugfixes, Improvements in 2019. Bugfixes, Improvements in 2019.
GitHub: <>
GitHub: <<>>
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
Honors \f[I]:math:\[ga]MAILDIR\f[R], \f[I]\[ga]XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[R],
\f[I]$XDG_CACHE_HOME\f[R], if defined. \f[I]$XDG_CACHE_HOME\f[R], if defined.
.IP \[bu] 2 .IP \[bu] 2
\f[I]gm/gM\f[R] to sync mail inside \f[I]mutt\f[R], as \f[I]o/O\f[R] has \f[I]gm/gM\f[R] to sync mail inside \f[I]mutt\f[R], as \f[I]o/O\f[R] has
