set message_cachedir = $accdir/$title/cache/bodies
set certificate_file = $accdir/$title/certificates
@@ -87,6 +114,7 @@ bind index,pager C noop
bind index gg first-entry
unmailboxes *
printf "DONE.\\n"
@@ -129,10 +157,7 @@ $serverinfo
printf "\\n\033[3;33mCongrats!\033[0m Server info has automatically be found, so you won't have to look anything up!\\n\t\033[1mIMAP server\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mIMAP port\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mSMTP server\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mSMTP port\033[0m: %s\\nThis data will be used by the wizard.\\n" "$imap" "$iport" "$smtp" "$sport"
printf "\\nPress enter to continue.\\n"
stty -echo
read -r
stty echo
printf "Enter the \033[35mfull name\033[0m you want to be identified by on this account.\\n\tReal name: "
read -r realname
printf "Enter a short, \033[36mone-word identifier\033[0m for this email account that will distinguish them from any other accounts you add.\\n\tAccount name: "
printf "You do not appear to have a private key associated with %s.\\nPlease generate a GPG key pair by running \`%s --full-gen-key\` and rerun the wizard.\\n" "$gpgemail" "$GPG"
printf "You do not appear to have a private key associated with \033[33m%s\033[0m.\\nPlease generate a GPG key pair by running \`\033[32m%s --full-gen-key\033[0m\` and rerun the wizard.\\n" "$gpgemail" "$GPG"
exit 1
@@ -217,10 +244,8 @@ formatShortcut() { \
trysync() { \
! ping -q -c 1 > /dev/null && printf "No internet connection detected.\\nTry rerunning offlineimap manually when connection is established, then select the option to detect mailboxes and finalize installation.\\n" && return 1
printf "\033[32mYou must have an internet connection to continue.\033[0m\\nmutt-wizard will run offlineimap briefly to (1) ensure that login details are functional and (2) allow offlineimap to tell us what mailboxes your email account has.\\nAfter around 15 seconds, mutt-wizard will kill the process and continue.\\nYou can run offlineimap manually to finish the mail sync later.\\nPress enter to continue.\\n."
stty -echo
read -r
stty echo
printf "\033[32mYou must have an internet connection to continue.\033[0m\\nmutt-wizard will run offlineimap briefly to (1) ensure that login details are functional and (2) allow offlineimap to tell us what mailboxes your email account has.\\nAfter around 15 seconds, mutt-wizard will kill the process and continue.\\nYou can run offlineimap manually to finish the mail sync later.\\n"