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gpg clean up

Luke Smith 5 anos atrás
Nenhuma chave conhecida encontrada para esta assinatura no banco de dados ID da chave GPG: 4C50B54A911F6252
1 arquivos alterados com 6 adições e 4 exclusões
  1. +6

+ 6
- 4
mw Ver arquivo

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ creddir="$HOME/.local/share/muttwizard" # Location of encrypted credentials
bindir="$HOME/.config/mutt/bin" # Location of scripts run by mutt or the wizard
namere="^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*$" # Regex to ensure viable username
emailre=".\+@.\+\\..\+" # Regex to confirm valid email address
gpgemail="$(cat "$creddir/gpgemail" 2>&1)" # Get previously set gpg email address
gpgemail="$(cat "$creddir/gpgemail" 2>/dev/null)" # Get previously set gpg email address
tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)"
GPG="gpg"; command -v gpg >/dev/null || GPG="gpg2" # Ensure proper gpg command

@@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ getpass() { \
askgpg() { \
printf "To safely encrypt passwords, mutt-wizard requires that you have a GPG public/private key pair.\\n\\nPlease input the email address of your GPG key pair below.\\nEmail: "
read -r gpgemail
while ! echo "$gpgemail" | grep "$emailre"; do
printf "That is not a valud email address. Please try again.\\nEmail: "
while ! echo "$gpgemail" | grep "$emailre" >/dev/null; do
printf "That is not a valid email address. Please try again.\\nEmail: "
read -r gpgemail
if "$GPG" -K | grep "<$gpgemail>"; then
if "$GPG" -K | grep "<$gpgemail>" >/dev/null; then
echo "$gpgemail" > "$creddir/gpgemail"
printf "You do not appear to have a private key associated with %s.\\nPlease generate a GPG key pair by running \`%s --full-gen-key\` and rerun the wizard.\\n" "$gpgemail" "$GPG"
@@ -273,12 +273,14 @@ main() { \
\033[31m1 Add an email account\033[0m
2 Autodetect mailboxes
3 Change an account's password
4 Change GPG key pair used for encryption
0 Exit
Input a number to continue or press ctrl-c.\\n"
read -r choice
case "$choice" in
1) addaccount ;;
2) pick delete yes && finalize "$title" ;;
4) askgpg ;;
0) break ;;
*) printf "Invalid input.\\n"
