printf "\`pass\` must be installed and initialized to encrypt passwords.\\nBe sure it is installed and run \`pass init <yourgpgemail>\`.\\nIf you don't have a GPG public private key pair, run \`%s --full-gen-key\` first.\\n" "$GPG"
exit 1
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Archive" && return 0
return 0
echo "$mailboxes"
printf "\033[31m\033[31mLog-on not successful.\033[0m\\nIt seems that either you inputted the wrong password or server settings, or there are other requirements for your account out of the control of mutt-wizard.\\n"
[ -z "${online+x}" ] && printf "\033[33mYou should now be able to run \`\033[32mmw -y %s\033[33m\` to begin to download your mail.\033[0m\\n" "$fulladdr"