gpgemail=$( dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --inputbox "Insert the email address with which you originally created your GPG key pair. This is NOT necessarily the email you want to configure." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- )
# Sees what accounts have been generated bny the wizard
# by checking ~/.offlineimap and yields a menu of them.
mainloop() { fulladdr=$( dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP autoconfig" --inputbox "Insert the full email address for the account you want to configure." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- )
addloop() { fulladdr=$( dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP autoconfig" --inputbox "Insert the full email address for the account you want to configure." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- )
gpgemail=$( dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --inputbox "Insert the email address with which you originally created your GPG key pair. This is NOT necessarily the email you want to configure." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- )
while : ;
dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --yesno "Would you like to add another email account?" 10 60 || break
done ;}
wipe () { rm $HOME/.offlineimaprc
rm -rf "$muttdir"/accounts
rm -f "$muttdir"credentials/*gpg
rm "$muttdir"personal.muttrc ;}
while : ;
while : ;
dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --yesno "Would you like to add another email account?" 10 60 || break
0) dialog --title "Accounts detected" --msgbox "The following accounts have been detected:
$(grep ~/.offlineimaprc -e "^accounts =" | sed 's/accounts =//g')
" 6 60;;
1) addChosen;;
2) inventory && for i in $userchoices; do removeAccount $i ; done;;
3) (dialog --defaultno --title "Wipe all custom neomutt/offlineIMAP settings?" --yesno "Would you like to wipe all of the mutt/offlineIMAP settings generated by the system?" 6 60 && wipe) ;;
(dialog --defaultno --title "Wipe all custom neomutt/offlineIMAP settings?" --yesno "Would you like to wipe all of the mutt/offlineIMAP settings generated by the system?" 6 60 && wipe) || clear && exit