printf "Your email domain is not in mutt-wizard's database yet.\\nmutt-wizard will still autoconfigure everything, but you will have to manually type in your service's IMAP and SMTP server information.\\nYou can usually quickly find this by internet searching for it.\\n"
printf "Insert the IMAP server for your email provider (excluding the port number)\\n\033[36m\t"
printf "Your email domain is not known to mutt-wizard.\\nType in your settings.\\nUsually you find them by an internet search.\\n"
printf "Type the IMAP server (excluding the port number)\\n\033[36m\t"
read -r mwimap
printf "\033[0mWhat is your server's IMAP port number? (Usually something like 993)\\n\033[36m\t"
printf "\033[0mIMAP port number (usually 993)\\n\033[36m\t"
read -r mwiport
printf "\033[0mInsert the SMTP server for your email provider (excluding the port number)\\n\033[36m\t"
printf "\033[0mSMTP server (excluding the port number)\\n\033[36m\t"
read -r mwsmtp
printf "\033[0mWhat is your server's SMTP port number? (Usually 587 or 465)\\n\033[36m\t"
printf "\033[0mSMTP port number (usually 587 or 465)\\n\033[36m\t"
read -r mwsport
printf "\033[0m\\nGreat! If you want to be helpful, copy the line below and you can add it to the \`domains.csv\` file on Github.\\nThis will make things easier for others who use your email provider.\\n\\n%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\\n\\nAlthough be sure to test to see if these settings work first! ;-)\\n" "$domain" "$mwimap" "$mwiport" "$mwsmtp" "$mwsport"
printf "\033[0m\\nIf you want, you can copy the line below and add it to the \`domains.csv\` file on Github, for others.\\n\\n%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\\n\\nBut be sure the setting works, first! ;-)\\n" "$domain" "$mwimap" "$mwiport" "$mwsmtp" "$mwsport"
printf "\\n\033[3;33mCongrats!\033[0m Server info has automatically been found, so you won't have to look anything up!\\n\t\033[1mIMAP server\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mIMAP port\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mSMTP server\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mSMTP port\033[0m: %s\\nThis data will be used by the wizard.\\n" "$imap" "$mwiport" "$mwsmtp" "$mwsport"
printf "\\n\033[3;33mCongrats!\033[0m Server info is known, so you don't need to look it up!\\n\t\033[1mIMAP server\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mIMAP port\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mSMTP server\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mSMTP port\033[0m: %s\\n" "$imap" "$mwiport" "$mwsmtp" "$mwsport"
case "$mwservice" in printf "\033[31mREMEMBER: Gmail users must enable \"less secure\" (third-party) applications first for the sync to work:\\n\\n\033[0m" ;;|| printf "\033[31mREMEMBER: Protonmail users must install and configure Protonmail Bridge first for the sync to work:\\n\\n\033[0m" && ssltype="None" ;; printf "\033[31mGmail: \"less secure\" must be enabled before you continue.\\nDo it now, if you have not done it already:\\n\\n\033[0m" ;;|| printf "\033[31mProtonmail: Users must install and configure Protonmail Bridge for the sync to work:\\n\\n\033[0m" && ssltype="None" ;;
printf "Enter the \033[35mfull name\033[0m you want to be identified by on this account.\\n\tReal name: "
read -r mwrealname
if [ -z "$mwname" ]; then
printf "Name to associate to email.\\n\t"
read -r mwname
if [ -z $mwlogin ]; then
printf "If your account has a special username different from your address, insert it now. Otherwise leave this prompt totally blank.\\n\033[34mMost accounts will not have a separate login, so you should probably leave this blank.\033[0m\\n\tLogin(?): \033[36m"
printf "Type your account username if different from your email address.\\n\033[34mFor most accounts you can probably leave this blank.\033[0m\\n\tLogin(?): \033[36m"
read -r mwlogin
printf "\033[0m"
[ -z "$mwlogin" ] && mwlogin="$mwfulladdr"
[ -z "$mwlogin" ] && mwlogin="$mwaddr"
if [ "$mwtype" = "offline" ] && [ -z "$mwmaxmes" ]; then
printf "If you want to limit the number of messages kept offline to a number, enter that number below. If you do not want to limit your mail and would like \`mbsync\` to sync all mail, press enter without typing a number.\\n\t"
echo "$boxes" | grep -i archive | head -n 1 | formatShortcut a archive
[ "$mwtype" = "offline" ] && printf "All done.\\n\033[33mYou should now be able to run \`\033[32mmbsync %s\033[33m\` to begin to download your mail.\033[0m\\n" "$mwaccount"
[ "$mwtype" = "offline" ] && printf "All done.\\n\033[33mYou can now run \`\033[32mmailsync [%s]\033[33m\` to sync your mail.\033[0m\\n" "$mwaccount"