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offline mail cache fix and other tweaks

Luke Smith il y a 1 an
Aucune clé connue n'a été trouvée dans la base pour cette signature ID de la clé GPG: 4C50B54A911F6252
4 fichiers modifiés avec 10 ajouts et 8 suppressions
  1. +4
  2. +2
  3. +2
  4. +2

+ 4
- 4
bin/mw Voir le fichier

@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ prepmutt() { mkdir -p "${muttrc%/*}" "$accdir"

getprofiles() { \
safename="$(echo $fulladdr | sed 's/@/_/g')"
case "$type" in
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ delete() { if [ -z "${fulladdr+x}" ]; then
sed -ibu "/account $fulladdr$/,/^\(\s*$\|account\)/d" "$msmtprc" 2>/dev/null; rm -f "$msmtprc"bu
sed -ibu "/account $fulladdr$/,/^\(\s*$\|account\)/d" "$mpoprc" 2>/dev/null; rm -f "$mpoprc"bu
pass rm -f "$passprefix$fulladdr" >/dev/null 2>&1
[ -n "${purge+x}" ] && rm -rf "${maildir:?}/${fulladdr:?}"
[ -n "${purge+x}" ] && safename="$(echo $fulladdr | sed 's/@/_/g')" && rm -rf "${cachedir:?}/${safename:?}" "${maildir:?}/${fulladdr:?}"

askinfo() { \
@@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ getboxes() { if [ -n "${force+x}" ] ; then

finalize() { echo "$toappend" >> "$accdir/$fulladdr.muttrc"
[ "$type" != "online" ] && echo "$mailboxes" | xargs -I {} mkdir -p "$maildir/$fulladdr/{}/cur" "$maildir/$fulladdr/{}/tmp" "$maildir/$fulladdr/{}/new"
mkdir -p "$cachedir/$safename/bodies"
echo "$fulladdr (account #$idnum) added successfully."
command -V urlview >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ ! -f "$HOME/.urlview" ] && echo "COMMAND \$BROWSER" > "$HOME/.urlview"
return 0 ;}
@@ -236,8 +238,6 @@ Main actions:
-l List email addresses configured
-d Remove an already added address
-D Force remove account without confirmation
-y Sync mail for account by name
-Y Sync mail for all accounts
-t number Toggle automatic mailsync every <number> minutes
-T Toggle automatic mailsync
-r Reorder account numbers
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ Options allowed with -a:
-s SMTP server address
-S SMTP server port
-x Password for account (recommended to be in double quotes)
-P Pass Prefix (prefix of the file where password is stored)
-p Add for a POP server instead of IMAP.
-P Pass Prefix (prefix of the file where password is stored)
-X Delete an account's local email too when deleting.
-o Configure address, but keep mail online.
-f Assume typical English mailboxes without attempting log-on.

+ 2
- 0
share/mpop-temp Voir le fichier

@@ -2,5 +2,7 @@ account $fulladdr
tls on
user $login
host $imap
port $iport
timeout 10
delivery maildir $maildir/$fulladdr/INBOX
passwordeval pass $passprefix$fulladdr

+ 2
- 4
share/mutt-temp Voir le fichier

@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ set from = "$fulladdr"
set sendmail = "msmtp -a $fulladdr"
alias me $realname <$fulladdr>
set folder = "$folder"
set header_cache = $cachedir/$fulladdr/headers
set message_cachedir = $cachedir/$fulladdr/bodies
set header_cache = "$cachedir/$safename/headers"
set message_cachedir = "$cachedir/$safename/bodies"
set mbox_type = Maildir
set hostname = "$hostname"
source $muttshare/switch.muttrc
@@ -16,5 +16,3 @@ set trash = "+Trash"
set record = "+Sent"
macro index o "<shell-escape>mailsync $fulladdr<enter>" "sync $fulladdr"
macro index \eg "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>gpg --list-secret-keys; printf 'Enter email ID of user to publish: '; read eID; printf 'Enter fingerprint of GPG key to publish: '; read eFGPT; $prefix/libexec/gpg-wks-client --create \\\$eFGPT \\\$eID | msmtp --read-envelope-from --read-recipients -a $fulladdr<enter>" "publish GPG key to WKS provider"
macro index \eh "<pipe-message>$prefix/libexec/gpg-wks-client --receive | msmtp --read-envelope-from --read-recipients -a $fulladdr<enter>" "confirm GPG publication"

+ 2
- 0
share/mutt-wizard.muttrc Voir le fichier

@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ macro index,pager Ca ";<copy-message>=Archive<enter>" "copy mail to archive"
#set crypt_opportunistic_encrypt = yes
#set pgp_self_encrypt = yes
#set pgp_default_key = ''
macro index \eg "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>gpg --list-secret-keys; printf 'Enter email ID of user to publish: '; read eID; printf 'Enter fingerprint of GPG key to publish: '; read eFGPT; $prefix/libexec/gpg-wks-client --create \\\$eFGPT \\\$eID | msmtp --read-envelope-from --read-recipients -a $fulladdr<enter>" "publish GPG key to WKS provider"
macro index \eh "<pipe-message>$prefix/libexec/gpg-wks-client --receive | msmtp --read-envelope-from --read-recipients -a $fulladdr<enter>" "confirm GPG publication"

macro index,pager a "<enter-command>set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode pipe_decode<return><pipe-message>abook --add-email<return><enter-command>set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode; unset my_pipe_decode<return>" "add the sender address to abook"
macro index \Cr "T~U<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>N<untag-pattern>.<enter>" "mark all messages as read"
