The current test did not terminate the script in cases when the user
already has a private GPG key, but they'd not initialized the password
This leads to an infinite loop in the `getpass()` function.
The commit fixes
This allows mailsync to be called like this `bindsym $mod+e exec --no-startup-id mailsync; exec $term -e neomutt && pkill -RTMIN+12 i3blocks` such that it refreshes your mail when you open mutt without it needlessly syncing if a sync is already running.
Checking for a secret key with format `<>` may not work for
people that store key IDs in .gpg-id. Removing the `<` and `>` makes it
work for both beople that use emails and people that use IDs.
If -a is passed along with "$@", mailsync will sync all mailboxes even
if only a single channel is passed in with "$@". This breaks the
semantics of the `o` macro in mutt which should only sync the current
mailbox that is currently being viewed in mutt.