#!/bin/sh muttdir="$HOME/.config/mutt" # Main mutt config location accdir="$muttdir/accounts" # Directory for account settings maildir="$HOME/.local/share/mail" # Location of mail storage creddir="$HOME/.local/share/muttwizard" # Location of encrypted credentials bindir="$HOME/.config/mutt/bin" # Location of scripts run by mutt or the wizard namere="^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*$" # Regex to ensure viable username emailre=".\+@.\+\\..\+" # Regex to confirm valid email address gpgemail="$(cat "$creddir/gpgemail" 2>&1)" # Get previously set gpg email address tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)" GPG="gpg"; command -v gpg >/dev/null || GPG="gpg2" # Ensure proper gpg command mkdir -p "$maildir" "$creddir" "$bindir" # Get certificate location depending on OS. Linux is elsewhere condition. case "$(uname)" in "Darwin") sslcert="/usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem" ;; *) sslcert="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" ;; esac getprofiles() { \ offlineimap_header="[general] accounts = starttls = yes ssl = true pythonfile = $bindir/imappwd.py " offlineimap_profile=" [Account $title] localrepository = $title-local remoterepository = $title-remote [Repository $title-remote] auth_mechanisms = LOGIN type = $type remoteuser = $login remotepasseval = mailpasswd(\"$title\") remoteport = $iport sslline = $sslcert $ifgoogleline [Repository $title-local] type = Maildir localfolders = $maildir/$title " msmtp_header="defaults auth on tls on tls_trust_file $sslcert logfile ~/.msmtp.log " msmtp_profile=" account $title host $smtp port $sport from $login user $login passwordeval \"$GPG -d --quiet --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty $creddir/$title.gpg | sed -e '\$a\\'\" " mutt_profile="# vim: filetype=neomuttrc # muttrc file for account $title set realname = \"$realname\" set from = \"$fulladdr\" set sendmail = \"/usr/bin/msmtp -a $title\" set folder = \"$maildir/$title\" set header_cache = $accdir/$title/cache/headers set message_cachedir = $accdir/$title/cache/bodies set certificate_file = $accdir/$title/certificates source \"$bindir/getmuttpass $title |\" alias me $realname <$fulladdr> set mbox_type = Maildir set ssl_starttls = yes set ssl_force_tls = yes bind index,pager gg noop bind index,pager g noop bind index,pager M noop bind index,pager C noop bind index gg first-entry unmailboxes * " } userexit() { clear; exit ;} addaccount() { \ printf "Insert the email address that you want to autoconfigure for mutt/offlineIMAP\\n\\nEmail: " read -r fulladdr while ! echo "$fulladdr" | grep "$emailre" >/dev/null; do printf "That is not a valud email address, please retype the desired email.\\n\\nEmail: " read -r fulladdr done domain="$(echo "$fulladdr" | sed "s/.*@//")" serverinfo="$(grep "$domain" "$muttdir/domains.csv")" if [ -z "$serverinfo" ]; then printf "Your email domain is not in mutt-wizard's database yet.\\nmutt-wizard will still autoconfigure everything, but you will have to manually type in your service's IMAP and SMTP server information.\\nYou can usually quickly find this by internet searching for it.\\n" printf "Insert the IMAP server for your email provider (excluding the port number)\\n" read -r imap printf "What is your server's IMAP port number? (Usually something like 993)\\n" read -r iport printf "Insert the SMTP server for your email provider (excluding the port number)\\n" read -r smtp printf "What is your server's SMTP port number? (Usually 587 or 465)\\n" read -r sport printf "\\nGreat! If you want to be helpful, copy the line below and you can add it to the \`domains.csv\` file on Github.\\nThis will make things easier for others who use your email provider.\\n\\n%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\\n\\nAlthough be sure to test to see if these settings work first! ;-)\\n" "$domain" "$imap" "$iport" "$smtp" "$sport" exit else IFS=, read service imap iport smtp sport </dev/null; do printf "Try again. Pick a nickname that is one word only including lowercase letters and _ or -.\\nAccount name: " read -r title done printf "If your account has a special username different from your address, insert it now. Otherwise leave this prompt totally blank.\\nLogin(?): " read -r login [ -z "$login" ] && login="$fulladdr" if [ "$service" = "gmail.com" ]; then type="Gmail"; ifgoogleline="folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername not in ['[Gmail]/All Mail']" printf "Google mail account detected. Remember to check the README to make sure of Google-specific settings you must enable.\\n" else type="IMAP"; ifgoogleline="remotehost = $imap" fi grep "i[0-9]" "$muttdir/personal.muttrc" | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/i//g' > "$tmpdir/mutt_used" printf "1\\n2\\n3\\n4\\n5\\n6\\n7\\n8\\n9" > "$tmpdir/mutt_all_possible" idnum=$(diff "$tmpdir/mutt_all_possible" "$tmpdir/mutt_used" | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $2}') getpass "$title" || userexit getprofiles mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/offlineimap/" "$HOME/.config/msmtp" [ ! -f "$HOME/.config/offlineimap/config" ] && echo "$offlineimap_header" > "$HOME/.config/offlineimap/config" [ ! -f "$HOME/.config/msmtp/config" ] && echo "$msmtp_header" > "$HOME/.config/msmtp/config" echo "$offlineimap_profile" >> "$HOME/.config/offlineimap/config" echo "$msmtp_profile" >> "$HOME/.config/msmtp/config" echo "$mutt_profile" > "$accdir/$title.muttrc" } getpass() { \ printf "Now enter your password for the \"%s\" account. Don't worry, this will be encrypted and only you with your GPG key can view it.\\nPassword: " "$1" stty -echo read -r password stty echo echo "$password" > "$tmpdir/$1" printf "Encrypting your password with %s..." "$GPG" -r "$gpgemail" --encrypt "$tmpdir/$1" print "DONE\\nShredding all memory of your password for safety's sake..." unset password shred -u "$tmpdir/$1" | rm -f "$tmpdir/$1" mv "$tmpdir/$1.gpg" "$creddir" printf "DONE.\\n" } askgpg() { \ printf "To safely encrypt passwords, mutt-wizard requires that you have a GPG public/private key pair.\\n\\nPlease input the email address of your GPG key pair below.\\nEmail: " read -r gpgemail while ! echo "$gpgemail" | grep "$emailre"; do printf "That is not a valud email address. Please try again.\\nEmail: " read -r gpgemail done if "$GPG" -K | grep "<$gpgemail>"; then echo "$gpgemail" > "$creddir/gpgemail" else printf "You do not appear to have a private key associated with %s.\\nPlease generate a GPG key pair by running \`%s --full-gen-key\` and rerun the wizard.\\n" "$gpgemail" "$GPG" exit 1 fi } formatShortcut() { \ while read data; do { echo "macro index,pager g$1 \"$data\" \"Go to $2.\" # autogenerated" echo "macro index,pager M$1 \"$data\" \"Move mail to $2.\" # autogenerated" echo "macro index,pager C$1 \"$data\" \"Copy mail to $2.\" # autogenerated"; } >> "$muttdir/accounts/$3.muttrc" done ;} gen_delim() { \ delim="=" for i in $(seq $(( $1 - 1 ))) do delim="$delim-" done echo $delim ;} detectMailboxes() { \ ls -d "$maildir/$1/"* | sed "s/.*\///;s/^/=/" > "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" sidebar_width="$(sed -n -e '/^set sidebar_width/p' "$muttdir/muttrc" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')" delim="$(gen_delim "$sidebar_width")" oneline="$(sed -e "s/^\|$/\"/g" "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" | tr "\n" " ")" oneline="=$1 $delim $oneline" sed -i "/^mailboxes\|^set record\|^set postponed\|^set trash\|^set spoolfile/d" "$muttdir/accounts/$1.muttrc" echo mailboxes "$oneline" >> "$muttdir/accounts/$1.muttrc" sed -i "/# autogenerated/d" "$muttdir/accounts/$1.muttrc" grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e inbox | sed 1q | formatShortcut i inbox "$1" grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e sent | sed 1q | formatShortcut s sent "$1" grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e draft | sed 1q | formatShortcut d drafts "$1" grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e trash | sed 1q | formatShortcut t trash "$1" grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e spam | sed 1q | formatShortcut S spam "$1" grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e junk | sed 1q | formatShortcut j junk "$1" grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e archive | sed 1q | formatShortcut a archive "$1" spoolfile=$(grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e inbox | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q) record=$(grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e sent | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q) postponed=$(grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e draft | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q) trash=$(grep -i "$tmpdir/$1_boxes" -e trash | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q) { echo "set spoolfile = \"$spoolfile\""; echo "set record = \"$record\""; echo "set postponed = \"$postponed\""; echo "set trash = \"$trash\""; } >> "$muttdir/accounts/$1.muttrc" } #wipe () { rm "$HOME/.config/offlineimap/config" "$accdir" "$creddir" "$muttdir/personal.muttrc" ;} [ -z "$gpgemail" ] && askgpg main() { \ while : ; do printf "What would you like mutt-wizard to do? 1 Add an email account 2 Autodetect mailboxes 3 Change an account's password 0 Exit Input a number to continue or press ctrl-c.\\n" read -r choice case "$choice" in 1) addaccount ;; 0) break ;; *) printf "Invalid input.\\n" esac done } main rm -rf "$tmpdir"