You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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14 KiB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. muttdir="$HOME/.config/mutt" # Main mutt config location
  3. [ ! -f "$HOME/.password-store/.gpg-id" ] && printf "\`pass\` must be installed and initialized to encrypt passwords.\\nBe sure it is installed and run \`pass init <yourgpgemail>\`.\\nIf you don't have a GPG public private key pair, run \`gpg --full-gen-key\` first.\\n" && exit
  4. accdir="$muttdir/accounts" # Directory for account settings
  5. maildir="$HOME/.local/share/mail" # Location of mail storage
  6. namere="^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*$" # Regex to ensure viable username
  7. emailre=".\+@.\+\\..\+" # Regex to confirm valid email address
  8. mbsyncrc="$HOME/.mbsyncrc"
  9. sslcert="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
  10. getprofiles() { \
  11. unset msmtp_header msmtp_profile mutt_profile mbsync_profile
  12. printf "Creating profiles for \`%s\`..." "$title"
  13. msmtp_header="defaults
  14. auth on
  15. tls on
  16. tls_trust_file $sslcert
  17. logfile ~/.config/msmtp/msmtp.log
  18. "
  19. msmtp_profile="
  20. account $title
  21. host $smtp
  22. port $sport
  23. from $fulladdr
  24. user $login
  25. passwordeval \"pass mutt-wizard-$title\""
  26. mbsync_profile="IMAPStore $title-remote
  27. Host $imap
  28. Port $iport
  29. User $login
  30. PassCmd \"pass mutt-wizard-$title\"
  31. SSLType IMAPS
  32. CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  33. MaildirStore $title-local
  34. Subfolders Verbatim
  35. Path ~/.local/share/mail/$title/
  36. Inbox ~/.local/share/mail/$title/INBOX
  37. Flatten .
  38. Channel $title
  39. Expunge Both
  40. Master :$title-remote:
  41. Slave :$title-local:
  42. Patterns * !\"[Gmail]/All Mail\"
  43. Create Both
  44. SyncState *
  45. # End profile
  46. "
  47. if [ "$accounttype" = "offline" ]; then
  48. mutt_profile="# vim: filetype=neomuttrc
  49. # muttrc file for account $title
  50. set realname = \"$realname\"
  51. set from = \"$fulladdr\"
  52. set sendmail = \"/usr/bin/msmtp -a $title\"
  53. alias me $realname <$fulladdr>
  54. set folder = \"$maildir/$title\"
  55. set header_cache = $accdir/$title/cache/headers
  56. set message_cachedir = $accdir/$title/cache/bodies
  57. set certificate_file = $accdir/$title/certificates
  58. set mbox_type = Maildir
  59. bind index,pager gg noop
  60. bind index,pager g noop
  61. bind index,pager M noop
  62. bind index,pager C noop
  63. bind index gg first-entry
  64. macro index o \"<shell-escape>$HOME/.config/mutt/bin/mailsync -V $title<enter>\" \"run mbsync to sync $title\"
  65. unmailboxes *
  66. "
  67. else
  68. mutt_profile="# vim: filetype=neomuttrc
  69. # muttrc file for account $title
  70. set realname = \"$realname\"
  71. set from = \"$fulladdr\"
  72. set sendmail = \"/usr/bin/msmtp -a $title\"
  73. alias me $realname <$fulladdr>
  74. set folder = \"imaps://$fulladdr@$imap:$iport\"
  75. set imap_user = \"$login\"
  76. set header_cache = $accdir/$title/cache/headers
  77. set message_cachedir = $accdir/$title/cache/bodies
  78. set certificate_file = $accdir/$title/certificates
  79. set imap_pass = \`pass mutt-wizard-$title\`
  80. set mbox_type = Maildir
  81. set ssl_starttls = yes
  82. set ssl_force_tls = yes
  83. bind index,pager gg noop
  84. bind index,pager g noop
  85. bind index,pager M noop
  86. bind index,pager C noop
  87. bind index gg first-entry
  88. unmailboxes *
  89. "
  90. fi
  91. printf "DONE.\\n"
  92. }
  93. addaccount() { \
  94. printf "Insert the \033[31memail address\033[0m that you want to autoconfigure for mutt/mbsync\\n\tEmail: \033[36m"
  95. read -r fulladdr
  96. printf "\033[0m"
  97. while ! echo "$fulladdr" | grep "$emailre" >/dev/null; do
  98. printf "That is not a valid \033[31memail address\033[0m, please retype the desired email.\\n\\nEmail: \033[36m\t"
  99. read -r fulladdr
  100. printf "\033[0m"
  101. done
  102. domain="$(echo "$fulladdr" | sed "s/.*@//")"
  103. printf "\\nSearching for \033[32m%s\033[0m in \033[34m\`domains.csv\`\033[0m..." "$domain"
  104. serverinfo="$(grep "$domain" "$muttdir/domains.csv" 2>/dev/null)"
  105. if [ -z "$serverinfo" ]; then
  106. printf "Your email domain is not in mutt-wizard's database yet.\\nmutt-wizard will still autoconfigure everything, but you will have to manually type in your service's IMAP and SMTP server information.\\nYou can usually quickly find this by internet searching for it.\\n"
  107. printf "Insert the IMAP server for your email provider (excluding the port number)\\n\033[36m\t"
  108. read -r imap
  109. printf "\033[0mWhat is your server's IMAP port number? (Usually something like 993)\\n\033[36m\t"
  110. read -r iport
  111. printf "\033[0mInsert the SMTP server for your email provider (excluding the port number)\\n\033[36m\t"
  112. read -r smtp
  113. printf "\033[0mWhat is your server's SMTP port number? (Usually 587 or 465)\\n\033[36m\t"
  114. read -r sport
  115. printf "\033[0m\\nGreat! If you want to be helpful, copy the line below and you can add it to the \`domains.csv\` file on Github.\\nThis will make things easier for others who use your email provider.\\n\\n%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\\n\\nAlthough be sure to test to see if these settings work first! ;-)\\n" "$domain" "$imap" "$iport" "$smtp" "$sport"
  116. else
  117. IFS=, read -r service imap iport smtp sport <<EOF
  118. $serverinfo
  119. EOF
  120. printf "\\n\033[3;33mCongrats!\033[0m Server info has automatically be found, so you won't have to look anything up!\\n\t\033[1mIMAP server\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mIMAP port\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mSMTP server\033[0m: %s\\n\t\033[1mSMTP port\033[0m: %s\\nThis data will be used by the wizard.\\n" "$imap" "$iport" "$smtp" "$sport"
  121. case "$service" in
  122. printf "\033[31mREMEMBER: Gmail users must enable \"less secure\" (third-party) applications first for the sync to work:\\n\\n\033[0m" ;;
  123. protonmail.*) printf "\033[31mREMEMBER: Protonmail users must install and configure Protonmail Bridge first for the sync to work:\\n\\n\033[0m" ;;
  124. esac
  125. fi
  126. printf "Enter the \033[35mfull name\033[0m you want to be identified by on this account.\\n\tReal name: "
  127. read -r realname
  128. printf "Enter a short, \033[36mone-word identifier\033[0m for this email account that will distinguish them from any other accounts you add.\\n\tAccount name: "
  129. read -r title
  130. while ! echo "$title" | grep "$namere" >/dev/null; do
  131. printf "\033[31mTry again\033[0m. Pick a nickname that is one word only including lowercase letters and _ or -.\\n\tAccount name: \033[36m\t"
  132. read -r title
  133. printf "\033[0m"
  134. done
  135. printf "If your account has a special username different from your address, insert it now. Otherwise leave this prompt totally blank.\\n\033[34mMost accounts will not have a separate login, so you should probably leave this blank.\033[0m\\n\tLogin(?): \033[36m"
  136. read -r login
  137. printf "\033[0m"
  138. [ -z "$login" ] && login="$fulladdr"
  139. tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)"
  140. grep "i[0-9]" "$muttdir/personal.muttrc" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/i//g' > "$tmpdir/mutt_used"
  141. seq 1 9 > "$tmpdir/mutt_all"
  142. idnum=$(diff "$tmpdir/mutt_all" "$tmpdir/mutt_used" | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $2}')
  143. getpass
  144. getprofiles
  145. mkdir -p "$accdir/$title/cache/bodies" "$HOME/.config/msmtp"
  146. [ ! -f "$HOME/.config/msmtp/config" ] && echo "$msmtp_header" > "$HOME/.config/msmtp/config"
  147. echo "$msmtp_profile" >> "$HOME/.config/msmtp/config"
  148. echo "$mutt_profile" > "$accdir/$title.muttrc"
  149. echo "$mbsync_profile" >> "$mbsyncrc"
  150. echo "macro index,pager i$idnum '<sync-mailbox><enter-command>source $accdir/$title.muttrc<enter><change-folder>!<enter>;<check-stats>' \"switch to $fulladdr\"" >> "$muttdir/personal.muttrc"
  151. ! grep "^source.*.muttrc" "$muttdir/personal.muttrc" >/dev/null && echo "source $accdir/$title.muttrc" >> "$muttdir/personal.muttrc"
  152. trysync && finalize
  153. }
  154. getpass() { while : ; do pass rm -f "mutt-wizard-$title" >/dev/null 2>&1
  155. pass insert "mutt-wizard-$title" && break; done ;}
  156. formatShortcut() { \
  157. while read -r data; do { echo "macro index,pager g$1 \"<change-folder>$data<enter>\" \"go to $2\" # autogenerated"
  158. echo "macro index,pager M$1 \"<save-message>$data<enter>\" \"move mail to $2\" # autogenerated"
  159. echo "macro index,pager C$1 \"<copy-message>$data<enter>\" \"copy mail to $2\" # autogenerated"; } >> "$accdir/$3.muttrc"
  160. done ;}
  161. trysync() { ! ping -q -c 1 > /dev/null && printf "No internet connection detected.\\nTry rerunning \`mbsync %s\` manually when connection is established, then select the option to detect mailboxes and finalize installation.\\n" "$title" && return 1
  162. mkdir -p "$maildir/$title"
  163. if mailboxes="$(mbsync -l "$title" | sed 's/\//./')" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  164. [ "$accounttype" = "online" ] && sed -i "/IMAPStore $title-remote$/,/# End profile/d" "$mbsyncrc"
  165. printf "\033[32mMailboxes detected.\033[0m\\n"
  166. echo "$mailboxes" | xargs -I {} mkdir -p "$maildir/$title/{}"
  167. else
  168. printf "\033[31m\033[31mLog-on not successful.\033[0m\\nIt seems that either you inputted the wrong password or sever settings, or there are other requirements for your account out of the control of mutt-wizard.\\n"
  169. delete "$title"; return 1
  170. fi
  171. }
  172. finalize() { \
  173. boxes="$(du -a "$maildir/$title/"* -d 0 | sed "s/^.*\//=/")"
  174. [ -z "$boxes" ] && printf "\033[31mNo local mailboxes have been detected for %s.\033[0m\\nThis means that mbsync has not been successfully run.\\nRun mbsync, and if it has an error, be sure to check your password and server settings manually if needbe.\\n" "$title" && return
  175. echo "$boxes" > "$tmpdir/title_boxes"
  176. printf "Setting up the mutt sidebar...\\n"
  177. sidebar_width="$(sed -n -e '/^set sidebar_width/p' "$muttdir/muttrc" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')"
  178. delim="$(head -c "$sidebar_width" < /dev/zero | tr '\0' =)"
  179. printf "Setting default mailboxes for your Inbox, Sent, Drafts and Trash in mutt...\\n"
  180. oneline="$(sed -e "s/^\|$/\"/g" "$tmpdir/title_boxes" | tr "\n" " ")"
  181. oneline="=$title $delim $oneline"
  182. spoolfile=$(grep -i -m 1 "$tmpdir/title_boxes" -e inbox | sed -e 's/=/+/g')
  183. record=$(grep -i -m 1 "$tmpdir/title_boxes" -e sent | sed -e 's/=/+/g')
  184. postponed=$(grep -i -m 1 "$tmpdir/title_boxes" -e draft | sed -e 's/=/+/g')
  185. trash=$(grep -i -m 1 "$tmpdir/title_boxes" -e trash | sed -e 's/=/+/g')
  186. sed -i "/^mailboxes\|^set record\|^set postponed\|^set trash\|^set spoolfile/d" "$accdir/$title.muttrc"
  187. { echo "set spoolfile = \"$spoolfile\""; echo "set record = \"$record\""; echo "set postponed = \"$postponed\""; echo "set trash = \"$trash\""; } >> "$accdir/$title.muttrc"
  188. echo mailboxes "$oneline" >> "$accdir/$title.muttrc"
  189. printf "Setting up your keyboard shortcuts for jumping between mailboxes...\\n"
  190. sed -i "/# autogenerated/d" "$accdir/$title.muttrc"
  191. grep -i -m 1 inbox "$tmpdir/title_boxes" | formatShortcut i inbox "$title"
  192. grep -i -m 1 sent "$tmpdir/title_boxes" | formatShortcut s sent "$title"
  193. grep -i -m 1 draft "$tmpdir/title_boxes" | formatShortcut d drafts "$title"
  194. grep -i -m 1 trash "$tmpdir/title_boxes" | formatShortcut t trash "$title"
  195. grep -i -m 1 spam "$tmpdir/title_boxes" | formatShortcut S spam "$title"
  196. grep -i -m 1 junk "$tmpdir/title_boxes" | formatShortcut j junk "$title"
  197. grep -i -m 1 archive "$tmpdir/title_boxes" | formatShortcut a archive "$title"
  198. [ "$accounttype" = "offline" ] && printf "All done.\\n\033[33mYou should now be able to run \`\033[32mmbsync %s\033[33m\` to begin to download your mail.\033[0m\\n" "$title"
  199. }
  200. confirm() { printf "Do you want to to %s?\\n\t" "$@" && read -r input && ! echo "$input" | grep -i "^y$\|^yes$" >/dev/null && printf "That doesn't seem like a yes to me.\\n\\n" && return 1
  201. printf "Are you really, really sure you want to %s?\\n\t" "$@" && read -r input && ! echo "$input" | grep -i "^y$\|^yes$" >/dev/null && printf "That doesn't seem like a yes to me.\\n\\n" && return 1
  202. return 0 ;}
  203. pick() { numbered="$(find "$accdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%f\n" | nl)"
  204. [ "$(echo "$numbered" | wc -w)" = 0 ] && printf "No accounts to choose from.\\n" && return 1
  205. printf "Select an accounts to %s:\\n" "$1"
  206. echo "$numbered"
  207. printf "\033[36m\t"
  208. read -r input
  209. printf "\033[0m"
  210. [ -z "$input" ] && return 1
  211. title="$(echo "$numbered" | grep "$input" | awk '{print $2}')"
  212. [ -z "$title" ] && printf "Invalid response." && return 1
  213. return 0 ;}
  214. delete() { sed -i "/IMAPStore $title-remote$/,/# End profile/d" "$mbsyncrc"
  215. rm -rf "${accdir:?}/${title:?}" "$accdir/$title.muttrc"
  216. sed -i "/$title.muttrc/d" "$muttdir/personal.muttrc"
  217. sed -i "/account $title/,/^\(\s*$\|account\)/d" "$HOME/.config/msmtp/config"
  218. }
  219. choosecron() { ! pgrep crond >/dev/null && echo "No cron manager running. Install/enable one and then select this option again." && return 1
  220. if crontab -l | grep mailsync >/dev/null; then
  221. echo "Active mail sync cronjob detected. Do you want to remove it?"
  222. printf "\033[36m\t"
  223. read -r rmyn
  224. printf "\033[0m"
  225. echo "$rmyn" | grep -i "^y\(es\)*$" >/dev/null && crontab -l | sed '/mailsync/d' | crontab - >/dev/null && echo "Mail sync turned off."
  226. else
  227. echo "How many minutes between each mail sync?"
  228. printf "\033[36m\t"
  229. read -r minnum
  230. printf "\033[0m"
  231. while ! echo "$minnum" | grep "^[0-9]\+$" >/dev/null; do
  232. printf "That doesn't look like a number. How many minutes between each mail sync?\\n\033[36m\t"
  233. read -r minnum
  234. printf "\033[0m"
  235. done
  236. (crontab -l; echo "*/$minnum * * * * export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus; export DISPLAY=:0; . \$HOME/.profile; $muttdir/bin/mailsync") | crontab - &&
  237. echo "Cronjob added. Mail will sync every $minnum minutes. Be sure you have your cron manager running."
  238. fi ;}
  239. addtype() { ! command -v mbsync >/dev/null && printf "You must have the \`mbsync\` command to add an account.\\nIt syncs mail and detects remote mailboxes.\\nYou can typically get it by installing \`isync\`.\\n" && return 1
  240. while : ; do
  241. printf "Do you want to keep your mail for this account offline with mbsync? [yes/no]\\n\t"
  242. read -r offnot
  243. case "$offnot" in
  244. [Yy][Ee][Ss]) accounttype="offline" && break ;;
  245. [Nn][Oo]) accounttype="online" && break ;;
  246. *) echo "Write out either yes or no completely. Try again or press ctrl-c to quit." ;;
  247. esac
  248. done
  249. addaccount ;}
  250. main() { while : ; do
  251. printf "Welcome to:\\n\033[34m"
  252. cat << "EOF"
  253. _ __ ___ _ _| |_| |_ __ _(_)______ _ _ __ __| |
  254. | '_ ` _ \| | | | __| __|___\ \ /\ / / |_ / _` | '__/ _` |
  255. | | | | | | |_| | |_| ||_____\ V V /| |/ / (_| | | | (_| |
  256. |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|\__| \_/\_/ |_/___\__,_|_| \__,_|
  257. EOF
  258. printf "\033[0mMade and maintained by Luke Smith <>
  259. What would you like \033[32mmutt-wizard\033[0m to do?
  260. 1 Add an email account
  261. 2 Change an account's password
  262. 3 Remove an account
  263. 4 Purge all account data
  264. 5 Enable/disable autosync
  265. 0 Exit
  266. Input a number to continue or press ctrl-c.\\n"
  267. printf "\033[36m\t"
  268. read -r choice
  269. printf "\033[0m"
  270. case "$choice" in
  271. 1) addtype ;;
  272. 2) pick "change the password of" && confirm "change \`$title\`'s password" && getpass ;;
  273. 3) pick delete && confirm "delete the \`$title\` profile" && delete ;;
  274. 4) confirm "delete all account data" && rm -rf "$mbsyncrc" "$accdir" "$muttdir/personal.muttrc" && echo "All configs and account settings have been purged." ;;
  275. 5) choosecron ;;
  276. 0) break ;;
  277. *) printf "Invalid input.\\n"
  278. esac
  279. printf "Press Enter to continue.\\n"
  280. stty -echo
  281. read -r null
  282. stty echo
  283. done ;}
  284. main
  285. rm -rf "$tmpdir"