- #!/bin/sh
- echo "Specify account:"
- # The account to put the folder in
- read -r acc
- # get the full path
- acc_spec=$(ls ~/.config/mutt/accounts/ | grep "$acc")
- echo "Specify folder:"
- # Ask for the foldername
- read -r folder
- # Echo back foldername (for informational purpose)
- echo "$folder"
- # Create needed directories
- mkdir -p ~/.local/share/mail/"$acc"/"$folder"/new
- mkdir -p ~/.local/share/mail/"$acc"/"$folder"/tmp
- mkdir -p ~/.local/share/mail/"$acc"/"$folder"/cur
- # Add the folder to muttrc
- sed -i "/^mailboxes/ s/$/ \"="$folder"\"/" ~/.config/mutt/accounts/"$acc_spec"
- # Ask if a shortcut is needed
- echo "Folder created, do you want to add a shortcut?"
- read -r shortcut
- # If yes, then ask for the shortcutkey (without prefix)
- if [ "$shortcut" = "y" ]
- then
- echo "Specify Shortcut:"
- read -r key
- # Add shortcuts to muttrc
- cat <<EOF >> ~/.config/mutt/accounts/"$acc_spec"
- #
- macro index,pager g$key "<change-folder>=$folder<enter>" "go to $folder"
- macro index,pager M$key "<save-message>=$folder<enter>" "go to $folder"
- echo "Shortcut created!"
- fi