GeoRSS aggregator and Layar augmented reality server
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index.html.haml 580 B

il y a 12 ans
il y a 12 ans
il y a 12 ans
il y a 12 ans
il y a 12 ans
  1. %h1 Feeds
  2. %table
  3. %tr
  4. %th Title
  5. %th Feed URL
  6. %th Posts
  7. %th Fetched
  8. %th
  9. %th
  10. %th
  11. - @feeds.each do |feed|
  12. %tr
  13. %td= link_to feed.title, feed
  14. %td= link_to feed.feed_url, feed.feed_url
  15. %td= feed.posts.size
  16. %td
  17. - if feed.last_fetched.nil?
  18. never
  19. - else
  20. = time_ago_in_words feed.last_fetched
  21. ago
  22. %td= link_to 'Edit', edit_feed_path(feed)
  23. %td= link_to 'Delete', feed, :confirm => "Delete #{feed.title} and all its posts?", :method => :delete
  24. #new_feed
  25. = render 'form'