GeoRSS aggregator and Layar augmented reality server
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

show.html.haml 784 B

12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
12 vuotta sitten
  1. %h1= link_to @feed.title, @feed.url
  2. %p= @feed.description
  3. %p
  4. = link_to "Fetch", fetch_feed_url(@feed), :class => "button"
  6. %a.button{ :href => "{@feed.feed_url}"}
  7. Validate
  8. %p
  9. = pluralize(@feed.posts.count, "post")
  10. %p
  11. = link_to @feed.feed_url, @feed.feed_url
  12. %p
  13. - if @feed.last_fetched.nil?
  14. This feed has never been fetched
  15. - else
  16. Last fetched
  17. = time_ago_in_words @feed.last_fetched
  18. ago
  19. %table
  20. - @posts.each do |p|
  21. %tr
  22. %td= link_to p.title, p.url
  23. %td= p.loc['lat']
  24. %td= p.loc['lng']
  25. %td
  26. - unless p.published.nil?
  27. = p.published.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M")
  28. = will_paginate @posts
  29. = link_to 'Edit', edit_feed_path(@feed)
  30. \|
  31. = link_to 'Back', :root