- class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
- belongs_to :feed
- def self.near(lat, lon, radius_metres, layer_id)
- # Santize inputs. Is this necessary?
- lat = lat.to_f
- lon = lon.to_f
- radius_metres = radius_metres.to_i
- layer_id = layer_id.to_i
- # Calculate distance using the Haversine formula
- self.find_by_sql(<<-ENDQUERY
- p.id,
- p.title,
- p.summary,
- p.url,
- p.lat,
- p.lon,
- p.published,
- f.title as feed_title,
- * acos( cos( radians('#{lat}') )
- * cos( radians( p.lat ) )
- * cos( radians( p.lon )
- - radians('#{lon}') )
- + sin( radians('#{lat}') )
- * sin( radians( p.lat ) ) ) )
- As distance
- FROM posts p
- INNER JOIN feeds f
- ON p.feed_id = f.id
- p.id IN
- ( -- Subquery returns a list of post_ids for posts on this layer
- SELECT p.id
- FROM feeds_layers fl
- INNER JOIN feeds f
- ON fl.feed_id = f.id
- INNER JOIN posts p
- ON p.feed_id = f.id
- WHERE fl.layer_id = #{layer_id}
- )
- (
- * acos( cos( radians('#{lat}') )
- * cos( radians( p.lat ) )
- * cos( radians( p.lon )
- - radians('#{lon}') )
- + sin( radians('#{lat}') )
- * sin( radians( p.lat ) ) )
- )
- <= #{radius_metres}
- ORDER BY distance
- )
- end
- end