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supplier.haml 2.4 KiB

14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
14 vuotta sitten
  1. .grid_12
  2. %ul#breadcrumb
  3. %li.home
  4. %a{ :href => '/'} Home
  5. %li
  6. %a{ :href => '/suppliers' } Suppliers
  7. %li
  8. =
  9. %h2= @page_title = + " (Supplier)"
  10. %p.noprint
  11. %a{ :href => "{}" }
  12. Search Google for
  13. =
  15. %a{ :href => "/suppliers/#{@supplier.slug}.csv" }
  16. Download data as CSV
  17. %h3
  18. Summary for
  19. = nicedate(@d_start)
  20. to
  21. = nicedate(@d_end)
  22. %table
  23. %tr
  24. %th.right Payments
  25. %th.right Total £
  26. %th.right Max £
  27. %th.right Min £
  28. %th.right Average £
  29. %tr
  30. %td.right= commify(@count)
  31. %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @total))
  32. %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @max))
  33. %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @min))
  34. %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @avg))
  35. %h3 Payments from the Council
  36. %table
  37. %tr
  38. %th Date
  39. %th Ref.
  40. %th Directorate
  41. %th Service
  42. %th.right £
  43. - for payment in @supplier.payments
  44. %tr
  45. %td= payment.d.strftime("%d %b %Y")
  46. %td
  47. %a{ :href => "/payments/#{}" }
  48. =
  49. %td
  50. %a{ :href => '/directorates/' + payment.service.directorate.slug }
  51. =
  52. %td
  53. %a{ :href => '/services/' + payment.service.slug }
  54. =
  55. %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", payment.amount))
  56. %tr
  57. %td
  58. %td
  59. %td
  60. %td
  61. %strong TOTAL
  62. %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @total))
  63. .clear
  64. <div class="grid_9 noprint">
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