An open source, stand-alone, customisable public spending data web app.

about.haml 2.1 KiB

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14 yıl önce
  1. .grid_9
  2. %h1= @page_title = "About this website"
  3. %blockquote
  4. The swift and simple changes we are calling for today [to encourage councils to publish spending data] will unleash an army of armchair auditors and quite rightly make those charged with doling out the pennies stop and think twice about whether they are getting value for money.
  5. %p.right — Eric Pickles, Communities & Local Government Secretary, 5 June 2010
  6. <!-- -->
  7. %p.vcard
  8. This website was designed and written by
  9. %a.fn.url{ :href => '' } Adrian Short
  10. \.
  11. You can contact me by email at
  12.{ :href => "" }
  13. and
  14. %a.url{ :href => "" } follow me on Twitter
  15. \.
  16. %p.highlight
  17. This site is made with
  18. %a{ :href => '' }
  19. the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead's spending data
  20. and is entirely indepdendent of the council. The council did not commission or pay for this website.
  21. %p Every page on this website prints beautifully.
  22. %p
  23. This site is written in
  24. %a{ :href => "" }Ruby
  25. \ using the
  26. %a{ :href => "" }Sinatra framework.
  27. %p
  28. The code for this website is
  29. %a{ :href => "" }open source and managed on Github.
  30. It is hosted by
  31. %a{ :href => "" }Heroku.
  32. %p
  33. The page templates use
  34. %a{ :href => "" }Haml
  35. and SprySoft's
  36. %a{ :href => "" }Variable Grid System
  37. \. The database is
  38. %a{ :href => "" }SQLite
  39. for development and
  40. %a{ :href => "" }PostgreSQL
  41. for production, abstracted through
  42. %a{ :href => "" }DataMapper.
  43. %p
  44. Source control and deployment is done with
  45. %a{ :href => "" }Git.