require './app' require 'csv' require 'date' # Before running this script with a CSV file, prepare it so: # - There is only a single line of column headings on the first line of the file # - There are no spaces before or after the column headings # - The column headings correspond with the key names in the columns{} hash below # - The data starts on line 2 def slugify(name) output = name.gsub(/[^\w\s-]/, '').gsub(/\s+/, '-').downcase output.gsub(/---/, '-') end months = %w[ dummy Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ] columns = { 'Directorate' => nil, 'Updated' => nil, 'Service' => nil, 'Supplier' => nil, 'Amount' => nil, 'Transaction Number' => nil, } directorate_replacements = [ ] service_replacements = [ ] count = 0 if ARGV[0].nil? puts "Specify the filename of the CSV file to import on the command line" exit end CSV.foreach(ARGV[0]) do |row| count += 1 if (count > 1) # skip first line that doesn't contain data p row unless row[columns['Directorate']].nil? directorate_name = row[columns['Directorate']].strip.gsub(/&/, "and") end service_name = row[columns['Service']].strip.gsub(/&/, "and") supplier_name = row[columns['Supplier']].strip.gsub(/&/, "and") for replacement in directorate_replacements if directorate_name == replacement[0] directorate_name = replacement[1] end end for replacement in service_replacements if service_name == replacement[0] service_name = replacement[1] end end if directorate_name.nil? directorate = nil else directorate = Directorate.first_or_create(:name => directorate_name, :slug => slugify(directorate_name)) end service = Service.first_or_create(:name => service_name, :directorate => directorate, :slug => slugify(service_name)) supplier = Supplier.first_or_create(:name => supplier_name, :slug => slugify(supplier_name)) # dt = row[columns['Updated']].strip.split(' ') # d =[2].to_i, months.index(dt[1]), dt[0].to_i) dt = row[columns['Updated']].strip if dt =~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ d = Date.iso8601(dt) end # Using rather than Payment.first_or_new allows us to create genuine duplicates # so don't run the importer more than once with the same set of data payment = 'service' => service, 'supplier' => supplier, 'amount' => row[columns['Amount']].strip.gsub(/,/, ''), 'd' => d, 'transaction_id' => row[columns['Transaction Number']].strip.to_i ) unless # save runs callbacks/hooks, save! doesn't puts "ERROR: Failed to save payment" payment.errors.each do |e| puts e end end else # Get the column headings position = 0 for column in row columns[column] = position position += 1 end puts columns.inspect end end