.grid_12 %ul#breadcrumb %li.home %a{ :href => '/'} Home %li %a{ :href => '/suppliers' } Suppliers %li = @supplier.name %h2= @page_title = @supplier.name + " (Supplier)" %p.noprint %a{ :href => "http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=#{@supplier.name}" } Search Google for = @supplier.name %p.noprint.download %a{ :href => "/suppliers/#{@supplier.slug}.csv" } Download data as CSV %h3 Summary for = nicedate(@d_start) to = nicedate(@d_end) %table %tr %th.right Payments %th.right Total £ %th.right Max £ %th.right Min £ %th.right Average £ %tr %td.right= commify(@count) %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @total)) %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @max)) %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @min)) %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @avg)) %h3 Payments from the Council %table %tr %th Date %th Ref. %th Transaction %th Directorate %th Service %th.right £ - for payment in @supplier.payments %tr %td= payment.d.strftime("%d %b %Y") %td %a{ :href => "/payments/#{payment.id}" } = payment.id %td= payment.transaction_id %td - unless payment.service.directorate.nil? %a{ :href => '/directorates/' + payment.service.directorate.slug } = payment.service.directorate.name %td %a{ :href => '/services/' + payment.service.slug } = payment.service.name %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", payment.amount)) %tr %td %td %td %td %strong TOTAL %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", @total)) .clear = haml :_disqus_comments