- require 'lib/models'
- require 'fastercsv'
- columns =
- {
- 'Directorate' => nil,
- 'Updated' => nil,
- 'Service' => nil,
- 'Supplier' => nil,
- 'Amount' => nil
- }
- directorate_replacements =
- [
- [ "Childrens Services", "Children's Services" ],
- [ "Policy,Performance and Planning", "Policy, Performance and Planning" ]
- ]
- service_replacements =
- [
- [ "Corporate Performance and Developmt", "Corporate Performance and Development" ],
- [ "ISB", "ISB - Individual Schools Budget" ],
- [ "Library and Information Services", "Libraries and Information Services" ],
- [ "On Street Parking", "On-Street Parking" ]
- ]
- count = 0
- if ARGV[0].nil?
- puts "Specify the filename of the CSV file to import on the command line"
- exit
- end
- date_format = ARGV[1].upcase
- if date_format != 'DMY' && date_format != 'MDY'
- puts "Specify the date format as DMY or MDY as the second argument on the command line"
- exit
- end
- FasterCSV.foreach(ARGV[0]) do |row|
- count += 1
- if (count > 1)
- p row
- directorate_name = row[columns['Directorate']].strip.gsub(/&/, "and")
- service_name = row[columns['Service']].strip.gsub(/&/, "and")
- supplier_name = row[columns['Supplier']].strip.gsub(/&/, "and")
- for replacement in directorate_replacements
- if directorate_name == replacement[0]
- directorate_name = replacement[1]
- end
- end
- for replacement in service_replacements
- if service_name == replacement[0]
- service_name = replacement[1]
- end
- end
- directorate = Directorate.first_or_create(:name => directorate_name)
- directorate.save
- service = Service.first_or_create(:name => service_name, :directorate => directorate)
- service.save
- supplier = Supplier.first_or_create(:name => supplier_name)
- supplier.save
- dt = row[columns['Updated']].strip.split('/')
- if date_format == 'DMY'
- d = Date.new(dt[2].to_i, dt[1].to_i, dt[0].to_i)
- elsif date_format == 'MDY'
- d = Date.new(dt[2].to_i, dt[0].to_i, dt[1].to_i)
- elsif date_format == 'YMD'
- d = Date.new(dt[0].to_i, dt[1].to_i, dt[2].to_i)
- end
- payment = Payment.first_or_new(
- 'service' => service,
- 'supplier' => supplier,
- 'amount' => row[columns['Amount']].strip.gsub(/,/, ''),
- 'd' => d
- )
- unless payment.save
- puts "ERROR: Failed to save payment"
- payment.errors.each do |e|
- puts e
- end
- end
- else
- position = 0
- for column in row
- columns[column] = position
- position += 1
- end
- puts columns.inspect
- end
- end