An open source, stand-alone, customisable public spending data web app.
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- .grid_9
- %h2= @page_title = "Payment " +
- %table
- %tr
- %td Date
- %td= @payment.d.strftime("%d %b %Y")
- %tr
- %td Directorate
- %td
- %a{ :href => "/directorates/#{@payment.service.directorate.slug}" }
- =
- %tr
- %td Service
- %td
- %a{ :href => "/services/#{@payment.service.slug}" }
- =
- %tr
- %td Supplier
- %td
- %a{ :href => "/suppliers/#{@payment.supplier.slug}" }
- =
- %tr
- %td Amount £
- %td= sprintf("%0.2f", @payment.amount)
- .clear
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