An open source, stand-alone, customisable public spending data web app.

72 satır
1.5 KiB

  1. .grid_12
  2. %ul#breadcrumb
  3. %li.home
  4. %a{ :href => '/'} Home
  5. %li
  6. %a{ :href => '/services' } Services
  7. %li
  8. =
  9. %h2= @page_title =
  10. - unless @service.directorate.nil?
  11. %p
  12. A service in the
  13. %a{ :href => '/directorates/' + @service.directorate.slug }
  14. =
  15. Directorate
  16. %p.noprint
  17. %a{ :href => "/services/#{@service.slug}/payments" }
  18. Payments to Suppliers details for
  19. =
  20. »
  21. .clear
  22. .grid_9
  23. %h3
  24. Summary for
  25. = nicedate(@d_start)
  26. to
  27. = nicedate(@d_end)
  28. %table
  29. %tr
  30. %th.right Payments
  31. %th.right Total
  32. %th.right Max
  33. %th.right Min
  34. %th.right Average
  35. %tr
  36. %td.right= commify(@count)
  37. %td.right= commify(sprintf("£%0d", @total))
  38. %td.right= commify(sprintf("£%0d", @max))
  39. %td.right= commify(sprintf("£%0d", @min))
  40. %td.right= commify(sprintf("£%0d", @avg))
  41. %h3
  42. Suppliers by Spend for
  43. = nicedate(@d_start)
  44. to
  45. = nicedate(@d_end)
  46. %table
  47. %tr
  48. %th Supplier
  49. %th Total £
  50. %th Total %
  51. - for row in @results
  52. %tr
  53. %td
  54. %a{ :href => "/suppliers/#{row['supplier_slug']}" }
  55. = row['supplier_name']
  56. %td.right= commify(sprintf("%0d", row['total']))
  57. %td.right= sprintf("%0.1f", row['total'] / @total * 100)
  58. .clear
  59. = haml :_disqus_comments