@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
require 'csv' |
require 'pp' |
require 'erb' |
require 'time' |
# $ ruby csv2georss.rb myfile.csv > feed.xml |
template = ERB.new <<-EOF |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#"> |
<channel> |
<title><%= channel[:title] %></title> |
<link><%= channel[:link] %></link> |
<description><%= channel[:description] %></description> |
<pubDate><%= Time.now.rfc822 %></pubDate> |
<% items.each do |item| %> |
<item> |
<title><%= item[:title] %></title> |
<link><%= item[:link] %></link> |
<description><![CDATA[<%= item[:description] %>]]></description> |
<pubDate><%= item[:pubDate] %></pubDate> |
<author><%= item[:author] %></author> |
<guid isPermalink="true"><%= item[:guid] %></guid> |
<geo:lat><%= item[:lat] %></geo:lat> |
<geo:long><%= item[:long] %></geo:long> |
</item> |
<% end %> |
</channel> |
</rss> |
channel = { |
:title => "Open Plaques", |
:link => "http://openplaques.org/", |
:description => "Documenting the historical links between people and places, as recorded by commemorative plaques." |
} |
items = [] |
line = 0 |
CSV.foreach(ARGV[0]) do |row| |
line += 1 |
next if line == 1 # skip header row |
link = "http://www.plaqueguide.com/?locationid=" + row[0] |
item = { |
:id => row[0], # id |
:title => row[3], # location |
:link => link, |
:description => row[32], # note1 |
:pubDate => Time.now.rfc822, |
:author => "feedback@openplaques.org", |
:guid => link, |
:lat => row[5], |
:long => row[6] |
} |
items << item |
end |
puts template.result |