@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
# Convert Jekyll blog posts to DokuWiki pages |
# Adrian Short (https://adrianshort.org/) 15 Feb 2015 |
require 'fileutils' |
require 'yaml' |
require 'pp' |
require 'pandoc-ruby' |
INPUT_DIR = "./_posts" |
OUTPUT_BASEDIR = "./blog" |
unpublished_files = [] # collect drafts, i.e. files where published == false |
# Loop through Markdown files |
Dir.glob(File.join(INPUT_DIR, "*.{md,markdown}")) do |fn| |
f = File.open(fn) |
contents = f.read |
metadata = YAML.load(contents) |
# skip drafts |
if metadata['published'] == false |
unpublished_files << metadata['title'] |
next |
end |
output = "====== %s ======\n\n" % metadata['title'] |
output += PandocRuby.convert(contents, :from => :markdown, :to => :dokuwiki) |
# convert <!-- more --> tags |
output.gsub!(/<HTML>\n<!-- more -->\n<\/HTML>/, '===== =====') |
# fix blockquotes (I'm using the DokuWiki blockquote plugin) |
output.gsub!(/<HTML><blockquote>\n(.+)<\/blockquote><\/HTML>/m, \ |
"<blockquote>\n\\1</blockquote>\n") |
# Merge categories and tags |
tags = metadata['tags'] || [] |
categories = metadata['categories'] || [] |
tags = tags.concat(categories).uniq |
if tags |
# wrap tags containing spaces in double quotes |
output += "{{tag>%s}}\n" % tags \ |
.map{ |t| t.include?(' ') ? "\"%s\"" % t : t } \ |
.sort_by(&:downcase).join(' ') |
end |
f.close |
# write to new file |
out_dir = File.join(OUTPUT_BASEDIR, metadata['date'].year.to_s) |
FileUtils.mkdir_p out_dir |
out_fn = File.join(out_dir, fn.match(/\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d-(.+)\./)[1] + '.txt') |
out_f = File.open(out_fn, 'w') { |f| f << output } |
# Set the modified and last access time for the file |
# Use `cp -p` to preserve these times when copying |
File.utime(metadata['date'], metadata['date'], out_fn) |
end |
puts "Drafts skipped:" |
unpublished_files.each{ |f| puts f } |