- require 'nokogiri'
- require 'breasal'
- require 'date'
- require 'uri'
- require 'pp'
- def clean_end(s)
- # Removes trailing spaces including Unicode whitespace (eg char 160) from the end of a string
- # Returns nil if the resulting string is empty
- s.strip!
- s.sub!(/\p{Zs}+$/, '')
- return nil if s == ''
- s
- end
- def cleanup(items)
- # Regex doesn't work across multiple text lines by default
- items.map { |i| i.inner_html.strip.gsub(/&.+;/, '').gsub(/<span>.*<\/span>/m, '').gsub(/[\t\r\n]/m, '') }
- end
- def parse_details(html)
- doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
- app = {}
- lists = doc.search("ul.list")
- # First ul is Application Progress Summary
- items = lists[0].search("li div")
- values = cleanup(items)
- app['date_received'] = Date.parse(values[0]) if values[0].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['status'] = clean_end(values[1])
- app['on_notice_to'] = Date.parse(values[2]) if values[2].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['recommendation'] = clean_end(values[3])
- app['date_committee'] = Date.parse(values[4]) if values[4].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['decision'] = clean_end(values[5])
- app['date_appeal_lodged'] = Date.parse(values[6]) if values[6].match(DATE_REGEX) # FIXME Is this actually a date or a Yes/No?
- app['appeal_decision'] = clean_end(values[7])
- # Second ul is Application Details
- items = lists[1].search("li div")
- # Regex doesn't work across multiple text lines by default
- values = items.map { |i| i.inner_html.strip.gsub(/&.+;/m, '') }
- app['council_reference'] = clean_end(items[0].children[2].inner_text)
- app['application_type'] = clean_end(items[2].children[2].inner_text)
- app['applicant_name'] = clean_end(items[5].children[2].inner_text)
- app['agent_name'] = clean_end(items[6].children[2].inner_text)
- app['wards'] = clean_end(items[7].children[2].inner_text)
- en_string = values[8].match(/Easting.+?(\d+).+?Northing.+?(\d+)/)
- app['easting'] = en_string[1].to_i
- app['northing'] = en_string[2].to_i
- en = Breasal::EastingNorthing.new(easting: app['easting'], northing: app['northing'], type: :gb)
- app['latitude'] = en.to_wgs84[:latitude]
- app['longitude'] = en.to_wgs84[:longitude]
- app['appeal_submitted'] = clean_end(items[9].children[2].inner_text)
- app['appeal_decision'] = clean_end(items[10].children[2].inner_text)
- if items[11].children[2].inner_text.match(/\d+/)
- app['case_officer_phone'] = clean_end(items[11].children[2].inner_text.gsub(/[\r\n\t]/, '')).match(/(\d+)/)[1].sub(/^44/, '0')
- end
- app['division'] = clean_end(items[12].children[2].inner_text.gsub('-', ''))
- app['case_officer_name'] = clean_end(items[13].children[2].inner_text)
- app['determination_level'] = clean_end(items[14].children[2].inner_text)
- app['existing_land_use'] = clean_end(items[15].children[2].inner_text)
- app['proposed_land_use'] = clean_end(items[16].children[2].inner_text)
- # Third ul is Other Information Available for Planning Application...
- links = doc.search("a.FooterLinks")
- app['documents_url'] = SITE_URL + links[0]['href'].gsub(/[\r\n\t]/, '')
- app['dates_url'] = URI::encode(BASE_URL + links[1]['href']).gsub(/%0./m, '')
- app['checks_url'] = URI::encode(BASE_URL + links[2]['href']).gsub(/%0./m, '')
- app['meetings_url'] = URI::encode(BASE_URL + links[3]['href']).gsub(/%0./m, '')
- app['constraints_url'] = URI::encode(BASE_URL + links[4]['href']).gsub(/%0./m, '')
- app['site_history_url'] = URI::encode(BASE_URL + links[5]['href']).gsub(/%0./m, '') if links[5]
- app
- end
- def parse_dates(html)
- doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
- app = {}
- dates = []
- doc.search(".dataview ul div").each { |row| dates << row.children[2].inner_text }
- app['date_received'] = Date.parse(dates[0]) if dates[0].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['date_first_advertised'] = Date.parse(dates[1]) if dates[1].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['date_registered'] = Date.parse(dates[2]) if dates[2].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['date_first_site_notice'] = Date.parse(dates[3]) if dates[3].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['date_valid'] = Date.parse(dates[4]) if dates[4].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['on_notice_to'] = Date.parse(dates[5]) if dates[5].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['date_validated'] = Date.parse(dates[6]) if dates[6].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['target_date'] = Date.parse(dates[7]) if dates[7].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['stat_cons_expiry_date'] = Date.parse(dates[8]) if dates[8].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['decision_expiry_date'] = Date.parse(dates[9]) if dates[9].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['first_consultation_date'] = Date.parse(dates[10]) if dates[10].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app['extended_expiry_date'] = Date.parse(dates[11]) if dates[11].match(DATE_REGEX)
- app
- end
- def parse_documents(html)
- doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
- docs = []
- doc.search("#tblContent td a").each do |d|
- # title = d.inner_text.strip.match(/^[\d\w]+?_\s*(.+?)\.pdf/)[1].gsub('_', ' ')
- docs << {
- 'title' => d.inner_text.strip,
- 'url' => URI::encode(SITE_URL + d['href']),
- 'date_last_seen' => Date.today.to_s
- }
- end
- docs
- end