123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120 |
- import urllib2
- import urllib
- import urlparse
- import datetime
- from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
- from PlanningUtils import PlanningApplication, \
- PlanningAuthorityResults, \
- getPostcodeFromText
- info_path = "loadFullDetails.do"
- comment_path = "loadRepresentation.do"
- class AtriumePlanningParser:
- def __init__(self,
- authority_name,
- authority_short_name,
- base_url,
- debug=False):
- self.authority_name = authority_name
- self.authority_short_name = authority_short_name
- self.base_url = base_url
- self.info_url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, info_path)
- self.comment_url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, comment_path)
- self.debug = debug
- self._results = PlanningAuthorityResults(self.authority_name, self.authority_short_name)
- def getResultsByDayMonthYear(self, day, month, year):
- # The end date for the search needs to be one day after the start
- # date - presumably the date is used as a timestamp at midnight
- search_start_date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
- search_end_date = search_start_date + datetime.timedelta(1)
- search_data = urllib.urlencode({"dayRegStart": search_start_date.strftime("%d"),
- "monthRegStart": search_start_date.strftime("%b"),
- "yearRegStart": search_start_date.strftime("%Y"),
- "dayRegEnd": search_end_date.strftime("%d"),
- "monthRegEnd": search_end_date.strftime("%b"),
- "yearRegEnd": search_end_date.strftime("%Y"),
- "searchType": "current",
- "dispatch": "Search"
- })
- response = urllib2.urlopen(self.base_url, search_data)
- html = response.read()
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
- # Get a list of the trs in the results table
- if soup.find(text="Results"):
- tds = soup.find(text="Results").parent.findNext("table").findAll("td")
- for td in tds:
- if td.string:
- if td.string.strip() == "Date Registered":
- # We are starting a new App
- self._current_application = PlanningApplication()
- #
- day, month, year = [int(x) for x in td.findNext("td").string.split("-")]
- self._current_application.date_received = datetime.date(year, month, day)
- # FIXME - when python on haggis is a bit newer,
- #we can do the following, which is neater
- #(and get rid of the import of time).
- #self._current_application.date_received = datetime.datetime.strptime(td.findNext("td").string, "%d-%m-%Y")
- elif td.string.strip() == "Application Number":
- self._current_application.council_reference = td.findNext("td").string
- elif td.string.strip() == "Location":
- location = td.findNext("td").string
- self._current_application.address = location
- postcode = getPostcodeFromText(location)
- if postcode:
- self._current_application.postcode = postcode
- elif td.string.strip() == "Proposal":
- self._current_application.description = td.findNext("td").string
- elif td.a and td.a.string.strip() == "View Full Details":
- # The info url is td.a
- messy_info_url = td.a["href"]
- # We need to get an id out of this url
- query_str = urlparse.urlsplit(messy_info_url)[3]
- self._current_application.info_url = self.info_url + "?" + query_str
- self._current_application.comment_url = self.comment_url + "?" + query_str
- if self._current_application.is_ready():
- self._results.addApplication(self._current_application)
- return self._results
- def getResults(self, day, month, year):
- return self.getResultsByDayMonthYear(int(day), int(month), int(year)).displayXML()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # cumbria_parser = AtriumePlanningParser("Cumbria County Council", "Cumbria", "")
- # print cumbria_parser.getResults(22,11,2007)
- # lincolnshire_parser = AtriumePlanningParser("Lincolnshire County Council", "Lincolnshire", "")
- # print cumbria_parser.getResults(22,11,2007)
- parser = AtriumePlanningParser("Dorset County Council", "Dorset", "http://www.dorsetforyou.com/ePlanning/loadResults.do")
- print parser.getResults(13,11,2007)