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17 jaren geleden
17 jaren geleden
17 jaren geleden
17 jaren geleden
17 jaren geleden
17 jaren geleden
17 jaren geleden
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <rss version="2.0" xmlns:georss="">
  3. <channel>
  4. <title>Search Results</title>
  5. <link></link>
  6. <description></description>
  7. {foreach name="applications" from="$applications" item="application"}
  8. <item>
  9. <guid isPermaLink="false">{$application->council_reference}</guid>
  10. <georss:featurename>{$application->address}</georss:featurename>
  11. <georss:point>{$application->lat} {$application->lon}</georss:point>
  12. <description><![CDATA[{$application->description}]]></description>
  13. <link><![CDATA[{$application->info_url}]]></link>
  14. <comments><![CDATA[{$application->comment_url}]]></comments>
  15. </item>
  16. {/foreach}
  17. </channel>
  18. </rss>