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%%0A^0A3^0A3EFF25%%faq.tpl.php 1.8 KiB

17 年前
  1. <?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2007-01-18 21:20:37
  2. compiled from faq.tpl */ ?>
  3. <?php $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars;
  4. $this->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => "header.tpl", 'smarty_include_vars' => array()));
  5. $this->_tpl_vars = $_smarty_tpl_vars;
  6. unset($_smarty_tpl_vars);
  7. ?>
  8. <dl class="faq">
  9. <dt>What does do?</dt>
  10. <dd>
  11. It sends you emails of any planning applications we find based on the postcode you give us when you sign up.
  12. </dd>
  13. <dt>Where does the data come from?</dt>
  14. <dd>
  15. We search as many local authority websites as we can find and forward the data on to you.
  16. </dd>
  17. <dt>How can I stop receiving alerts?</dt>
  18. <dd>
  19. At the bottom of each email you receive there is a link to unsubscribe from that alert. Just click on it and we'll delete your alert.
  20. </dd>
  21. <dt>Do you cover the whole country?</dt>
  22. <dd>
  23. No, but we are working on it. There is a list of the local authorities we currently cover <a href="about.php#authorities">here</a>. Not every local authority publishes their planning data online so some places will always be missing. If your local authority is missing, you could always <a href="about.php#contact">help out by writing a screen scraper to search their website.</a>
  24. </dd>
  25. <dt>Can I help?</dt>
  26. <dd>
  27. Yes please! To be able to cover the whole country we need help in writing screen scrapers to search the websites of every local authority in the country. If you'd like to write one for your local council <a href="about.php#contact">get in touch</a>.
  28. </dd>
  29. </dl>
  30. <?php $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars;
  31. $this->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => "footer.tpl", 'smarty_include_vars' => array()));
  32. $this->_tpl_vars = $_smarty_tpl_vars;
  33. unset($_smarty_tpl_vars);
  34. ?>