1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829 |
- ---------------------------
- Because of ongoing difficulty sourcing accurate postcode data, some planning applications may be missing or slightly out when viewed on a map. To help resolve this you may with to make a short submission to the government's consultation process asking for postcode data to be made freely available: http://www.communities.gov.uk/corporate/contact?consultation=true
- ---------------------------
- {foreach name="applications" from="$applications" item="application"}
- {$application->address|upper} {$application->postcode|upper} ({$application->council_reference|upper})
- {$application->description}
- MORE INFORMATION: {$application->info_tinyurl}
- MAP: {$application->map_url}
- WHAT DO YOU THINK?: {$application->comment_tinyurl}
- =============================
- {/foreach}
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- PlanningAlerts.com is a free service run by volunteers.
- You can subscribe to a geoRSS feed of applications for {$alert_postcode|upper} here: {$base_url}/api.php?postcode={$alert_postcode}&area_size={$alert_area_size}
- To stop receiving these emails click here: {$base_url}/unsubscribe.php?cid={$confirm_id}