소스 검색


memespring 15 년 전
6개의 변경된 파일11개의 추가작업 그리고 8개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +1
  2. +1
  3. +4
  4. +1
  5. +1
  6. +3

+ 1
- 1
trunk/data/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php 파일 보기

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2009-10-05 13:50:52
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2009-10-05 14:04:40
compiled from index.tpl */ ?>
<?php $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars;
$this->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => "header.tpl", 'smarty_include_vars' => array()));

+ 1
- 1
trunk/data/%%6E^6E1^6E190D42%%preview.tpl.php 파일 보기

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2007-03-17 15:24:58
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2009-10-05 13:52:45
compiled from preview.tpl */ ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

+ 4
- 3
trunk/data/%%F7^F7F^F7F34188%%header.tpl.php 파일 보기

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2009-10-05 13:50:52
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2009-10-05 14:04:40
compiled from header.tpl */ ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
<a href="#divContent">Skip navigation</a>
<div id="divAppeal">
Please help support Planning Alerts - <a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['www_server']; ?>
/donate.php">donate to our server fund today!</a>
<strong>PlanningAlerts.com is currently experiencing technical difficulties because of ongoing legal action by Royal Mail</strong>.<br/>
Our provider of postcode data, ErnestMarples.com, has been taken offline because of legal action. Until we find an alternative source, PlanningAlerts.com will be unable to send out any email alerts, or publish data via it's API.
We apologise for the inconvenience. For more information, visit the <a href="http://www.ernestmarples.com/blog/">Ernest Marples Blog</a>
<div id="divMenu">
<ul class="collapse">

+ 1
- 1
trunk/docs/css/main.css 파일 보기

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ h3, h4 {color:#96ca2f;font-style:italic;font-weight:normal}
#divHeader img {position:absolute;top:-15px;}

/* Appeal */
#divAppeal {background:#fff; color:#333; border-bottom:solid 1px #333; font-size:0.8em; padding-bottom:0.2em;}
#divAppeal {background:#f9b4b4; color:#333; border-bottom:solid 1px #333; font-size:0.8em; padding-bottom:0.2em;}
#divAppeal a {color:#CC0000;}
#divPayment {text-align:center; border:solid 1px #ccc; padding:2em 1em 1em 1em; background:#ffff88;}

+ 1
- 1
trunk/docs/preview.php 파일 보기

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class preview_page {
$this->warnings .= "No area size specified ";

if ($this->warnings == ""){
if ($this->warnings == ""){
$url = "http://ernestmarples.com/?p=sw98jx&f=csv";
$result = file_get_contents($url);

+ 3
- 1
trunk/docs/templates/header.tpl 파일 보기

@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
<a href="#divContent">Skip navigation</a>
<div id="divAppeal">
Please help support Planning Alerts - <a href="{$www_server}/donate.php">donate to our server fund today!</a>
<strong>PlanningAlerts.com is currently experiencing technical difficulties because of ongoing legal action by Royal Mail</strong>.<br/>
Our provider of postcode data, ErnestMarples.com, has been taken offline because of legal action. Until we find an alternative source, PlanningAlerts.com will be unable to send out any email alerts, or publish data via it's API.
We apologise for the inconvenience. For more information, visit the <a href="http://www.ernestmarples.com/blog/">Ernest Marples Blog</a>
<div id="divMenu">
<ul class="collapse">

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