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memespring 15 år sedan
7 ändrade filer med 53 tillägg och 60 borttagningar
  1. +1
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  3. +15
  4. +24
  5. +9
  6. +2
  7. +1

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data/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php Visa fil

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2009-10-05 14:04:40
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2010-01-20 12:08:45
compiled from index.tpl */ ?>
<?php $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars;
$this->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => "header.tpl", 'smarty_include_vars' => array()));

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data/%%F7^F7F^F7F34188%%header.tpl.php Visa fil

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2009-10-05 14:04:40
<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.16, created on 2010-01-20 12:08:45
compiled from header.tpl */ ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

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docs/include/scraper_support.php Visa fil

@@ -289,29 +289,24 @@ function scrape_applications_islington ($search_url, $info_url_base, $comment_ur

//postcode to location
function postcode_to_location($postcode){

// We don't actually need to fetch the page, we
// can get everything we need from the url we are
// redirected to.
$clean_postcode = strtolower($postcode);
$clean_postcode = str_replace(" ","+", $clean_postcode);

$url = "" . $clean_postcode . "&f=csv";
$result = file_get_contents($url);
$result = split(",", $result);
if(count($result) != 2){
trigger_error("No lat/long could be found");
$lat = $result[0];
$lng = $result[1];
function postcode_to_location($postcode){

$LatLng = new LatLng($lat, $lng);
$OSBG = $LatLng->toOSRef();
// We don't actually need to fetch the page, we
// can get everything we need from the url we are
// redirected to.
$clean_postcode = strtolower($postcode);
$clean_postcode = str_replace(" ","+", $clean_postcode);

$return = array($OSBG->easting, $OSBG->northing);
$url = "" . $clean_postcode;

$headers = get_headers($url, 1);
$location = $headers["Location"];
$location_regex = "/x=(\d*)&y=(\d*)&/";

preg_match ($location_regex, $location, $matches);

return array_slice ($matches, 1);

function location_to_postcode($easting, $northing) {
$url = sprintf(

+ 24
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docs/preview.php Visa fil

@@ -33,41 +33,32 @@ class preview_page {
$this->warnings .= "No area size specified ";

if ($this->warnings == ""){
$url = "";
$result = file_get_contents($url);
$result = split(",", $result);
if(count($result) != 2){
trigger_error("No lat/long could be found");
$lat = $result[0];
$lng = $result[1];
if ($this->warnings == ""){

//Get OS ref from postcode
$xy = postcode_to_location($_GET['postcode']);
//Get OS ref from postcode
$xy = postcode_to_location($_GET['postcode']);

//Get the centroid long / lat (google maps doesnt handle grid refs)
//$os_ref = new OSRef($xy[0], $xy[1]);
//$long_lat = $os_ref->toLatLng();
$this->center_long = $lng; //$long_lat->lng;
$this->center_lat = $lat; //$long_lat->lat;
//get long lat for the bounding box (OS grid refs are in meters in case you were wondering)
//bottom left
$area_size_meters = alert_size_to_meters($_GET['area_size']);
$os_ref = new OSRef($xy[0] - $area_size_meters, $xy[1] - $area_size_meters);
$long_lat = $os_ref->toLatLng();
$this->bottom_left_long = $long_lat->lng;
$this->bottom_left_lat = $long_lat->lat;
//top right
$area_size_meters = alert_size_to_meters($_GET['area_size']);
$os_ref = new OSRef($xy[0] + $area_size_meters, $xy[1] + $area_size_meters);
$long_lat = $os_ref->toLatLng();
$this->top_right_long = $long_lat->lng;
$this->top_right_lat = $long_lat->lat;
//Get the centroid long / lat (google maps doesnt handle grid refs)
$os_ref = new OSRef($xy[0], $xy[1]);
$long_lat = $os_ref->toLatLng();
$this->center_long = $long_lat->lng;
$this->center_lat = $long_lat->lat;
//get long lat for the bounding box (OS grid refs are in meters in case you were wondering)
//bottom left
$area_size_meters = alert_size_to_meters($_GET['area_size']);
$os_ref = new OSRef($xy[0] - $area_size_meters, $xy[1] - $area_size_meters);
$long_lat = $os_ref->toLatLng();
$this->bottom_left_long = $long_lat->lng;
$this->bottom_left_lat = $long_lat->lat;
//top right
$area_size_meters = alert_size_to_meters($_GET['area_size']);
$os_ref = new OSRef($xy[0] + $area_size_meters, $xy[1] + $area_size_meters);
$long_lat = $os_ref->toLatLng();
$this->top_right_long = $long_lat->lng;
$this->top_right_lat = $long_lat->lat;

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docs/templates/alert_email_text.tpl Visa fil

@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@

Because of ongoing difficulty sourcing accurate postcode data, some planning applications may be missing or slightly out when viewed on a map. To help resolve this you may with to make a short submission to the government's consultation process asking for postcode data to be made freely available:


{foreach name="applications" from="$applications" item="application"}
{$application->address|upper} {$application->postcode|upper} ({$application->council_reference|upper})

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docs/templates/confirmed.tpl Visa fil

@@ -7,12 +7,9 @@
<h3>Thanks, your alert has been activated</h3>
<div class="ad">
<h4>Find out even more about your local area using StreetWire</h4>
<h4>Help make the 20010 Election the most transparent ever</h4>
StreetWire is like PlanningAlerts for everything. Including licensing applications,
local news, crime and missing animals.
<a href="">Visit StreetWire</a>
<a href="">Join democracy club!</a>

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docs/templates/index.tpl Visa fil

@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
<div id="divSiteUpdates">
<h4>Recent site updates</h4>
<ul class="nobullets">
<li><em>January 2010</em>Site functioning again with reduced postcode accuracy.<a href=""> Please consider submitting feedback to the government consultation</a></li>
<li><em>May 2008</em>Now has 250 Local authorities covered</li>
<li><em>July 2007</em>Shortlisted for New Statesman New Media Award</li>
<li><em>July 2007</em>Added 21 councils inc. Lewisham, New Forest National Park and Edinburgh </li>
