Переглянути джерело

Add New version of the Acolnet scraper using BeautifulSoup instead of HTMLParser.

This allows us to do lots of sites without custom scrapers.
We also get a few that we didn't have before:

Mid Suffolk (no postcodes)
duncan.parkes 17 роки тому
3 змінених файлів з 708 додано та 368 видалено
  1. +141
  2. +542
  3. +25

+ 141
- 347
python_scrapers/AcolnetParser.py Переглянути файл

@@ -1,41 +1,40 @@

import urllib, urllib2
import HTMLParser
#from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import urlparse

from datetime import date
import datetime

import re

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

# Adding this to try to help Surrey Heath - Duncan 14/9/2007
import cookielib
cookie_jar = cookielib.CookieJar()

import urlparse

import re

end_head_regex = re.compile("</head", re.IGNORECASE)

import MultipartPostHandler
# this is not mine, or part of standard python (though it should be!)
# it comes from http://pipe.scs.fsu.edu/PostHandler/MultipartPostHandler.py

from PlanningUtils import getPostcodeFromText, PlanningAuthorityResults, PlanningApplication

from datetime import date
from time import strptime

date_format = "%d/%m/%Y"
our_date = date(2007,4,25)

#This is to get the system key out of the info url
system_key_regex = re.compile("TheSystemkey=(\d*)", re.IGNORECASE)

# We allow the optional > for Bridgnorth, which doesn't have broken html
end_head_regex = re.compile("</head>?", re.IGNORECASE)

class AcolnetParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
case_number_tr = None # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = None
location_tr = None
proposal_tr = None
received_date_format = "%d/%m/%Y"

comment_qs_template = "ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeCommentForm&TheSystemkey=%s"

# There is no online comment facility in these, so we provide an
# appropriate email address instead
@@ -44,32 +43,60 @@ class AcolnetParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
# The optional amp; is to cope with Oldham, which seems to have started
# quoting this url.
action_regex = re.compile("<form[^>]*action=\"([^\"]*ACTION=UNWRAP&(?:amp;)?RIPSESSION=[^\"]*)\"[^>]*>", re.IGNORECASE)
def _getResultsSections(self, soup):
"""In most cases, there is a table per app."""
return soup.findAll("table", {"class": "results-table"})
def _getCouncilReference(self, app_table):
return app_table.a.string.strip()

def _getDateReceived(self, app_table):
date_str = ''.join(app_table.find(text="Registration Date:").findNext("td").string.strip().split())
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, self.received_date_format)

def _getAddress(self, app_table):
return app_table.find(text="Location:").findNext("td").string.strip()
def _getDescription(self, app_table):
return app_table.find(text="Proposal:").findNext("td").string.strip()

def _getInfoUrl(self, app_table):
"""Returns the info url for this app.
We also set the system key on self._current_application,
as we'll need that for the comment url.

url = app_table.a['href']
self._current_application.system_key = system_key_regex.search(url).groups()[0]
return urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, url)

def _getCommentUrl(self, app_table):
"""This must be run after _getInfoUrl"""

if self.comments_email_address:
return self.comments_email_address

split_info_url = urlparse.urlsplit(self._current_application.info_url)

comment_qs = self.comment_qs_template %self._current_application.system_key

return urlparse.urlunsplit(split_info_url[:3] + (comment_qs,) + split_info_url[4:])

def __init__(self,


self.authority_name = authority_name
self.authority_short_name = authority_short_name
self.base_url = base_url

self.debug = debug

self._tr_number = 0

# This will be used to track the subtable depth
# when we are in a results-table, in order to
# avoid adding an application before we have got to
# the end of the results-table
self._subtable_depth = None

self._in_td = False

# This in where we store the results
self._results = PlanningAuthorityResults(self.authority_name, self.authority_short_name)

@@ -82,86 +109,6 @@ class AcolnetParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
HTML cleanup."""
return html

def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
#print tag, attrs
if tag == "table":
if self._current_application is None:
# Each application is in a separate table with class "results-table"
for key, value in attrs:
if key == "class" and value == "results-table":
#print "found results-table"
self._current_application = PlanningApplication()
self._tr_number = 0
self._subtable_depth = 0
self._current_application.comment_url = self.comments_email_address
# We are already in a results-table, and this is the start of a subtable,
# so increment the subtable depth.
self._subtable_depth += 1

elif self._current_application is not None:
if tag == "tr" and self._subtable_depth == 0:
self._tr_number += 1
if tag == "td":
self._in_td = True
if tag == "a" and self._tr_number == self.case_number_tr:
# this is where we get the info link and the case number
for key, value in attrs:
if key == "href":
self._current_application.info_url = value

system_key = system_key_regex.search(value).groups()[0]

if self.comments_email_address is not None:
self._current_application.comment_url = self.comments_email_address
self._current_application.comment_url = value.replace("PgeResultDetail", "PgeCommentForm")
def handle_data(self, data):
# If we are in the tr which contains the case number,
# then data is the council reference, so
# add it to self._current_application.
if self._in_td:
if self._tr_number == self.case_number_tr:
self._current_application.council_reference = data.strip()
elif self._tr_number == self.reg_date_tr:
# we need to make a date object out of data
date_as_str = ''.join(data.strip().split())
received_date = date(*strptime(date_as_str, date_format)[0:3])

#print received_date

self._current_application.date_received = received_date

elif self._tr_number == self.location_tr:
location = data.strip()

self._current_application.address = location
self._current_application.postcode = getPostcodeFromText(location)
elif self._tr_number == self.proposal_tr:
self._current_application.description = data.strip()

def handle_endtag(self, tag):
#print "ending: ", tag
if tag == "table" and self._current_application is not None:
if self._subtable_depth > 0:
self._subtable_depth -= 1
# We need to add the last application in the table
if self._current_application is not None:
#print "adding application"
#print self._current_application
self._current_application = None
self._tr_number = None
self._subtable_depth = None
elif tag == "td":
self._in_td = False

def _getSearchResponse(self):
# It looks like we sometimes need to do some stuff to get around a
# javascript redirect and cookies.
@@ -202,9 +149,6 @@ class AcolnetParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
response = opener.open(action_url, search_data)
results_html = response.read()

#outfile = open("tmpfile", "w")

# This is for doing site specific html cleanup
results_html = self._cleanupHTML(results_html)

@@ -212,53 +156,40 @@ class AcolnetParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
#so we'll just have the body
just_body = "<html>" + end_head_regex.split(results_html)[-1]

#outfile = open(self.authority_short_name + ".debug", "w")

return self._results
soup = BeautifulSoup(just_body)

# Each app is in a table of it's own.
results_tables = self._getResultsSections(soup)

def getResults(self, day, month, year):
return self.getResultsByDayMonthYear(int(day), int(month), int(year)).displayXML()
for app_table in results_tables:
self._current_application = PlanningApplication()

## # Babergh up to 21/06/2007
## class BaberghParser(AcolnetParser):
## case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
## reg_date_tr = 2
## location_tr = 4
## proposal_tr = 5
self._current_application.council_reference = self._getCouncilReference(app_table)
self._current_application.address = self._getAddress(app_table)
# Get the postcode from the address
self._current_application.postcode = getPostcodeFromText(self._current_application.address)
self._current_application.description = self._getDescription(app_table)
self._current_application.info_url = self._getInfoUrl(app_table)
self._current_application.comment_url = self._getCommentUrl(app_table)
self._current_application.date_received = self._getDateReceived(app_table)

## # It would be nice to scrape this...
## comments_email_address = "planning.reception@babergh.gov.uk"

# Site changes to here from 22/06/2007
class BaberghParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

# It would be nice to scrape this...
comments_email_address = "planning.reception@babergh.gov.uk"
return self._results

class BasingstokeParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 8

# It would be nice to scrape this...
comments_email_address = "development.control@basingstoke.gov.uk"

class BassetlawParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5
def getResults(self, day, month, year):
return self.getResultsByDayMonthYear(int(day), int(month), int(year)).displayXML()

class BassetlawParser(AcolnetParser):
comments_email_address = "planning@bassetlaw.gov.uk"

def _cleanupHTML(self, html):
@@ -270,214 +201,58 @@ class BassetlawParser(AcolnetParser):

class BridgnorthParser(AcolnetParser):
# This site is currently down...
#search_url = "http://www2.bridgnorth-dc.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch"
#authority_name = "Bridgenorth District Council"
#authority_short_name = "Bridgenorth"
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "contactus@bridgnorth-dc.gov.uk"

class BuryParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

#comments_email_address = "development.control@bury.gov.uk"

## class CanterburyParser(AcolnetParser):
## search_url = "http://planning.canterbury.gov.uk/scripts/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch"

## case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
## reg_date_tr = 2
## location_tr = 4
## proposal_tr = 5

## authority_name = "Canterbury City Council"
## authority_short_name = "Canterbury"
def _getResultsSections(self, soup):
return soup.findAll("table", {"class": "app"})

## comments_email_address = ""
def _getCouncilReference(self, app_table):
return app_table.a.string.split()[-1]

class CarlisleParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

comments_email_address = "dc@carlisle.gov.uk"

class DerbyParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "developmentcontrol@derby.gov.uk"

class CroydonParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

comments_email_address = "planning.control@croydon.gov.uk"

class EastLindseyParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

comments_email_address = "development.control@e-lindsey.gov.uk"

class FyldeParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5
def _getCommentUrl(self, app_table):
"""This must be run after _getInfoUrl"""
return self._current_application.info_url.replace("NewPages", "PgeCommentForm")

comments_email_address = "planning@fylde.gov.uk"
# Cambridgeshire, although an Acolnet site, is so different that it
# may as well be handled completely separately.

class HarlowParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5
class CanterburyParser(AcolnetParser):
"""Here the apps are one row each in a big table."""

comments_email_address = "Planning.services@harlow.gov.uk"
def _getResultsSections(self, soup):
return soup.find("table", {"class": "results-table"}).findAll("tr")[1:]

class HavantParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 8
def _getDateReceived(self, app_table):
date_str = app_table.findAll("td")[3].string.strip()

comments_email_address = "representations@havant.gov.uk"
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, self.received_date_format)

class HertsmereParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5
def _getAddress(self, app_table):
return app_table.findAll("td")[1].string.strip()

comments_email_address = "planning@hertsmere.gov.uk"
def _getDescription(self, app_table):
return app_table.findAll("td")[2].string.strip()

class LewishamParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5
#Kensington and chelsea is sufficiently different, it may as well be handled separately

comments_email_address = "planning@lewisham.gov.uk"
# Mid Bedfordshire - there is an acolnet here, but you have to have a username
# and password to access it!
class NorthHertfordshireParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

## class MidSuffolkParser(AcolnetParser):
## case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
## reg_date_tr = 2
## location_tr = 4
## proposal_tr = 5

## comments_email_address = "planning@lewisham.gov.uk"
## #action_regex = re.compile("<FORM .*action=\"(.*ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPSESSION=[^\"]*)\"[^>]*>", re.IGNORECASE)

class NewForestNPParser(AcolnetParser):
# In this case there is an online comment facility at the
# bottom of each view app page...
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

class NewForestDCParser(AcolnetParser):
# In this case there is an online comment facility at the
# bottom of each view app page...
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 7

class NorthWiltshireParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 7

class OldhamParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 7
def _cleanupHTML(self, html):
"""There is a bad table end tag in this one.
Fix it before we start"""
bad_table_end = '</table summary="Copyright">'
good_table_end = '</table>'

return html.replace(bad_table_end, good_table_end)

class SouthwarkParser(AcolnetParser):
def _getDateReceived(self, app_table):
date_str = ''.join(app_table.find(text="Statutory start date:").findNext("td").string.strip().split())
class RenfrewshireParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "pt@renfrewshire.gov.uk"

class SouthBedfordshireParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

class SuffolkCoastalParser(AcolnetParser):
# case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
# reg_date_tr = 2
# location_tr = 4
# proposal_tr = 5

# New URL with different layout
case_number_tr = 1
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

comments_email_address = "d.c.admin@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk"

class GuildfordParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1
reg_date_tr = 7
location_tr = 2
proposal_tr = 3

class BoltonParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5
comments_email_address = "Planning.control@bolton.gov.uk"

class ExeterParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, self.received_date_format)

class SurreyHeathParser(AcolnetParser):
# This is not working yet.
@@ -520,23 +295,42 @@ class SurreyHeathParser(AcolnetParser):
# return javascript_redirect_response
# Wychavon is rather different, and will need some thought. There is no
# advanced search page
if __name__ == '__main__':
day = 20
day = 30
month = 11
year = 2007

# returns error 400 - bad request
#parser = BridgenorthParser()

# cambridgeshire is a bit different...
# no advanced search page

# canterbury
# results as columns of one table

#parser = SurreyHeathParser("Surrey Heath", "Surrey Heath", "https://www.public.surreyheath-online.gov.uk/whalecom60b1ef305f59f921/whalecom0/Scripts/PlanningPagesOnline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")

parser = OldhamParser("Oldham", "Oldham", "http://planning.oldham.gov.uk/planning/AcolNetCGI.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&Root=PgeSearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Babergh", "Babergh", "http://planning.babergh.gov.uk/dcdatav2//acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Basingstoke", "Basingstoke", "http://planning.basingstoke.gov.uk/DCOnline2/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = BassetlawParser("Bassetlaw", "Bassetlaw", "http://www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Bolton", "Bolton", "http://www.planning.bolton.gov.uk/PlanningSearch/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
# parser = BridgnorthParser("Bridgnorth", "Bridgnorth", "http://www2.bridgnorth-dc.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Bury", "Bury", "http://e-planning.bury.gov.uk/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = CanterburyParser("Canterbury", "Canterbury", "http://planning.canterbury.gov.uk/scripts/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Carlisle", "Carlisle", "http://planning.carlisle.gov.uk/acolnet/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Croydon", "Croydon", "http://planning.croydon.gov.uk/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Derby", "Derby", "http://eplanning.derby.gov.uk/acolnet/planningpages02/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("East Lindsey", "East Lindsey", "http://www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/planning/AcolnetCGI.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Exeter City Council", "Exeter", "http://pub.exeter.gov.uk/scripts/Acolnet/dataonlineplanning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Fylde", "Fylde", "http://www2.fylde.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Guildford", "Guildford", "http://www.guildford.gov.uk/DLDC_Version_2/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Harlow", "Harlow", "http://planning.harlow.gov.uk/PlanningSearch/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Havant", "Havant", "http://www3.havant.gov.uk/scripts/planningpages/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Hertsmere", "Hertsmere", "http://www2.hertsmere.gov.uk/ACOLNET/DCOnline//acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Lewisham", "Lewisham", "http://acolnet.lewisham.gov.uk/lewis-xslpagesdc/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Mid Suffolk", "Mid Suffolk", "http://planning.midsuffolk.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("New Forest District Council", "New Forest DC", "http://web3.newforest.gov.uk/planningonline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("New Forest National Park Authority", "New Forest NPA", "http://web01.newforestnpa.gov.uk/planningpages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("North Hertfordshire", "North Herts", "http://www.north-herts.gov.uk/dcdataonline/Pages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("North Wiltshire", "North Wilts", "http://planning.northwilts.gov.uk/DCOnline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = OldhamParser("Oldham", "Oldham", "http://planning.oldham.gov.uk/planning/AcolNetCGI.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&Root=PgeSearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Renfrewshire", "Renfrewshire", "http://planning.renfrewshire.gov.uk/acolnetDCpages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("South Bedfordshire", "South Bedfordshire", "http://planning.southbeds.gov.uk/plantech/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch")
#parser = SouthwarkParser("London Borough of Southwark", "Southwark", "http://planningonline.southwarksites.com/planningonline2/AcolNetCGI.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Suffolk Coastal", "Suffolk Coastal", "http://apps3.suffolkcoastal.gov.uk/DCDataV2/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
#parser = AcolnetParser("Surrey Heath", "Surrey Heath", "https://www.public.surreyheath-online.gov.uk/whalecom60b1ef305f59f921/whalecom0/Scripts/PlanningPagesOnline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
print parser.getResults(day, month, year)

+ 542
- 0
python_scrapers/AcolnetParser_HTMLParser.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@

import urllib, urllib2
import HTMLParser
#from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

# Adding this to try to help Surrey Heath - Duncan 14/9/2007
import cookielib
cookie_jar = cookielib.CookieJar()

import urlparse

import re

# We allow the optional > for Bridgenorth, which doesn't have broken html
end_head_regex = re.compile("</head>?", re.IGNORECASE)

import MultipartPostHandler
# this is not mine, or part of standard python (though it should be!)
# it comes from http://pipe.scs.fsu.edu/PostHandler/MultipartPostHandler.py

from PlanningUtils import getPostcodeFromText, PlanningAuthorityResults, PlanningApplication

from datetime import date
from time import strptime

date_format = "%d/%m/%Y"
our_date = date(2007,4,25)

#This is to get the system key out of the info url
system_key_regex = re.compile("TheSystemkey=(\d*)", re.IGNORECASE)

class AcolnetParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
case_number_tr = None # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = None
location_tr = None
proposal_tr = None

# There is no online comment facility in these, so we provide an
# appropriate email address instead
comments_email_address = None

# The optional amp; is to cope with Oldham, which seems to have started
# quoting this url.
action_regex = re.compile("<form[^>]*action=\"([^\"]*ACTION=UNWRAP&(?:amp;)?RIPSESSION=[^\"]*)\"[^>]*>", re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self,


self.authority_name = authority_name
self.authority_short_name = authority_short_name
self.base_url = base_url

self.debug = debug

self._tr_number = 0

# This will be used to track the subtable depth
# when we are in a results-table, in order to
# avoid adding an application before we have got to
# the end of the results-table
self._subtable_depth = None

self._in_td = False

# This in where we store the results
self._results = PlanningAuthorityResults(self.authority_name, self.authority_short_name)

# This will store the planning application we are currently working on.
self._current_application = None

def _cleanupHTML(self, html):
"""This method should be overridden in subclasses to perform site specific
HTML cleanup."""
return html

def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
#print tag, attrs
if tag == "table":
if self._current_application is None:
# Each application is in a separate table with class "results-table"
for key, value in attrs:
if key == "class" and value == "results-table":
#print "found results-table"
self._current_application = PlanningApplication()
self._tr_number = 0
self._subtable_depth = 0
self._current_application.comment_url = self.comments_email_address
# We are already in a results-table, and this is the start of a subtable,
# so increment the subtable depth.
self._subtable_depth += 1

elif self._current_application is not None:
if tag == "tr" and self._subtable_depth == 0:
self._tr_number += 1
if tag == "td":
self._in_td = True
if tag == "a" and self._tr_number == self.case_number_tr:
# this is where we get the info link and the case number
for key, value in attrs:
if key == "href":
self._current_application.info_url = value

system_key = system_key_regex.search(value).groups()[0]

if self.comments_email_address is not None:
self._current_application.comment_url = self.comments_email_address
self._current_application.comment_url = value.replace("PgeResultDetail", "PgeCommentForm")
def handle_data(self, data):
# If we are in the tr which contains the case number,
# then data is the council reference, so
# add it to self._current_application.
if self._in_td:
if self._tr_number == self.case_number_tr:
self._current_application.council_reference = data.strip()
elif self._tr_number == self.reg_date_tr:
# we need to make a date object out of data
date_as_str = ''.join(data.strip().split())
received_date = date(*strptime(date_as_str, date_format)[0:3])

#print received_date

self._current_application.date_received = received_date

elif self._tr_number == self.location_tr:
location = data.strip()

self._current_application.address = location
self._current_application.postcode = getPostcodeFromText(location)
elif self._tr_number == self.proposal_tr:
self._current_application.description = data.strip()

def handle_endtag(self, tag):
#print "ending: ", tag
if tag == "table" and self._current_application is not None:
if self._subtable_depth > 0:
self._subtable_depth -= 1
# We need to add the last application in the table
if self._current_application is not None:
#print "adding application"
#print self._current_application
self._current_application = None
self._tr_number = None
self._subtable_depth = None
elif tag == "td":
self._in_td = False

def _getSearchResponse(self):
# It looks like we sometimes need to do some stuff to get around a
# javascript redirect and cookies.
search_form_request = urllib2.Request(self.base_url)
search_form_response = urllib2.urlopen(search_form_request)

return search_form_response

def getResultsByDayMonthYear(self, day, month, year):
# first we fetch the search page to get ourselves some session info...
search_form_response = self._getSearchResponse()
search_form_contents = search_form_response.read()

# This sometimes causes a problem in HTMLParser, so let's just get the link
# out with a regex...

groups = self.action_regex.search(search_form_contents).groups()

action = groups[0]
#print action

# This is to handle the amp; which seems to have appeared in this
# url on the Oldham site
action = ''.join(action.split('amp;'))

action_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, action)
#print action_url

our_date = date(year, month, day)
search_data = {"regdate1": our_date.strftime(date_format),
"regdate2": our_date.strftime(date_format),
opener = urllib2.build_opener(MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler)
response = opener.open(action_url, search_data)
results_html = response.read()

# This is for doing site specific html cleanup
results_html = self._cleanupHTML(results_html)

#some javascript garbage in the header upsets HTMLParser,
#so we'll just have the body
just_body = "<html>" + end_head_regex.split(results_html)[-1]

#outfile = open(self.authority_short_name + ".debug", "w")

#print just_body

return self._results

def getResults(self, day, month, year):
return self.getResultsByDayMonthYear(int(day), int(month), int(year)).displayXML()

## # Babergh up to 21/06/2007
## class BaberghParser(AcolnetParser):
## case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
## reg_date_tr = 2
## location_tr = 4
## proposal_tr = 5

## # It would be nice to scrape this...
## comments_email_address = "planning.reception@babergh.gov.uk"

# Site changes to here from 22/06/2007
class BaberghParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

# It would be nice to scrape this...
comments_email_address = "planning.reception@babergh.gov.uk"

class BasingstokeParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 8

# It would be nice to scrape this...
comments_email_address = "development.control@basingstoke.gov.uk"

class BassetlawParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "planning@bassetlaw.gov.uk"

def _cleanupHTML(self, html):
"""There is a broken div in this page. We don't need any divs, so
let's get rid of them all."""

div_regex = re.compile("</?div[^>]*>", re.IGNORECASE)
return div_regex.sub('', html)

class BridgnorthParser(AcolnetParser):
# This site is currently down...
#search_url = "http://www2.bridgnorth-dc.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch"
#authority_name = "Bridgenorth District Council"
#authority_short_name = "Bridgenorth"
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "contactus@bridgnorth-dc.gov.uk"

class BuryParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

#comments_email_address = "development.control@bury.gov.uk"

## class CanterburyParser(AcolnetParser):
## search_url = "http://planning.canterbury.gov.uk/scripts/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch"

## case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
## reg_date_tr = 2
## location_tr = 4
## proposal_tr = 5

## authority_name = "Canterbury City Council"
## authority_short_name = "Canterbury"

## comments_email_address = ""

class CarlisleParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

comments_email_address = "dc@carlisle.gov.uk"

class DerbyParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "developmentcontrol@derby.gov.uk"

class CroydonParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

comments_email_address = "planning.control@croydon.gov.uk"

class EastLindseyParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

comments_email_address = "development.control@e-lindsey.gov.uk"

class FyldeParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "planning@fylde.gov.uk"

class HarlowParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "Planning.services@harlow.gov.uk"

class HavantParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 8

comments_email_address = "representations@havant.gov.uk"

class HertsmereParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "planning@hertsmere.gov.uk"

class LewishamParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "planning@lewisham.gov.uk"
class NorthHertfordshireParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

## class MidSuffolkParser(AcolnetParser):
## case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
## reg_date_tr = 2
## location_tr = 4
## proposal_tr = 5

## comments_email_address = "planning@lewisham.gov.uk"
## #action_regex = re.compile("<FORM .*action=\"(.*ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPSESSION=[^\"]*)\"[^>]*>", re.IGNORECASE)

class NewForestNPParser(AcolnetParser):
# In this case there is an online comment facility at the
# bottom of each view app page...
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

class NewForestDCParser(AcolnetParser):
# In this case there is an online comment facility at the
# bottom of each view app page...
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 7

class NorthWiltshireParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 7

class OldhamParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 6
proposal_tr = 7
def _cleanupHTML(self, html):
"""There is a bad table end tag in this one.
Fix it before we start"""
bad_table_end = '</table summary="Copyright">'
good_table_end = '</table>'
return html.replace(bad_table_end, good_table_end)

class RenfrewshireParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "pt@renfrewshire.gov.uk"

class SouthBedfordshireParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

class SuffolkCoastalParser(AcolnetParser):
# case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
# reg_date_tr = 2
# location_tr = 4
# proposal_tr = 5

# New URL with different layout
case_number_tr = 1
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

comments_email_address = "d.c.admin@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk"

class GuildfordParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1
reg_date_tr = 7
location_tr = 2
proposal_tr = 3

class BoltonParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5
comments_email_address = "Planning.control@bolton.gov.uk"

class ExeterParser(AcolnetParser):
case_number_tr = 1
reg_date_tr = 3
location_tr = 5
proposal_tr = 6

class SurreyHeathParser(AcolnetParser):
# This is not working yet.
# _getSearchResponse is an attempt to work around
# cookies and a javascript redirect.
# I may have a bit more of a go at this at some point if I have time.
case_number_tr = 1 # this one can be got by the td class attribute
reg_date_tr = 2
location_tr = 4
proposal_tr = 5

comments_email_address = "development-control@surreyheath.gov.uk"

def _getSearchResponse(self):
# It looks like we sometimes need to do some stuff to get around a
# javascript redirect and cookies.
search_form_request = urllib2.Request(self.base_url)

# Lying about the user-agent doesn't seem to help.
#search_form_request.add_header("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqu...L/3.5.6 (like Gecko) (Kubuntu)")
search_form_response = urllib2.urlopen(search_form_request)
cookie_jar.extract_cookies(search_form_response, search_form_request)

print search_form_response.geturl()
print search_form_response.info()

print search_form_response.read()
# validate_url = "https://www.public.surreyheath-online.gov.uk/whalecom7cace3215643e22bb7b0b8cc97a7/whalecom0/InternalSite/Validate.asp"
# javascript_redirect_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, "/whalecom7cace3215643e22bb7b0b8cc97a7/whalecom0/InternalSite/RedirectToOrigURL.asp?site_name=public&secure=1")

# javascript_redirect_request = urllib2.Request(javascript_redirect_url)
# javascript_redirect_request.add_header('Referer', validate_url)
# cookie_jar.add_cookie_header(javascript_redirect_request)

# javascript_redirect_response = urllib2.urlopen(javascript_redirect_request)
# return javascript_redirect_response
if __name__ == '__main__':
day = 4
month = 12
year = 2007

# returns error 400 - bad request
#parser = BridgenorthParser()

# cambridgeshire is a bit different...
# no advanced search page

# canterbury
# results as columns of one table

#parser = SurreyHeathParser("Surrey Heath", "Surrey Heath", "https://www.public.surreyheath-online.gov.uk/whalecom60b1ef305f59f921/whalecom0/Scripts/PlanningPagesOnline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch")
parser = BridgnorthParser("Bridgnorth", "Bridgnorth", "http://www2.bridgnorth-dc.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch")
# parser = OldhamParser("Oldham", "Oldham", "http://planning.oldham.gov.uk/planning/AcolNetCGI.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&Root=PgeSearch")
print parser.getResults(day, month, year)

+ 25
- 21
python_scrapers/SitesToGenerate.csv Переглянути файл

@@ -87,30 +87,31 @@
"Vale Royal Borough Council", "Vale Royal", "http://pa.valeroyal.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"Winchester City Council", "Winchester", "http://win2padmz.winchester.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"Wolverhampton City Council", "Wolverhampton", "http://planningonline.wolverhampton.gov.uk/PublicAccess/dc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"Babergh District Council", "Babergh", "http://planning.babergh.gov.uk/dcdatav2//acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "BaberghParser"
"Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council", "Basingstoke and Deane", "http://planning.basingstoke.gov.uk/DCOnline2/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "BasingstokeParser"
"Babergh District Council", "Babergh", "http://planning.babergh.gov.uk/dcdatav2//acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council", "Basingstoke and Deane", "http://planning.basingstoke.gov.uk/DCOnline2/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Bassetlaw District Council", "Bassetlaw","http://www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "BassetlawParser"
"Bury Metropolitan Borough Council", "Bury", "http://e-planning.bury.gov.uk/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "BuryParser"
"Derby City Council", "Derby", "", "AcolnetParser", "DerbyParser"
"London Borough of Croydon", "Croydon", "http://planning.croydon.gov.uk/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "CroydonParser"
"East Lindsey District Council", "East Lindsey", "http://www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/planning/AcolnetCGI.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "EastLindseyParser"
"Fylde Borough Council", "Fylde", "http://www2.fylde.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "FyldeParser"
"Harlow Council", "Harlow", "http://planning.harlow.gov.uk/PlanningSearch/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "HarlowParser"
"Hertsmere Borough Council", "Hertsmere", "http://www2.hertsmere.gov.uk/ACOLNET/DCOnline//acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "HertsmereParser"
"London Borough of Lewisham", "Lewisham", "http://acolnet.lewisham.gov.uk/lewis-xslpagesdc/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "LewishamParser"
"North Hertfordshire District Council", "North Hertfordshire", "http://www.north-herts.gov.uk/dcdataonline/Pages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "NorthHertfordshireParser"
"New Forest National Park", "New Forest NP", "http://web01.newforestnpa.gov.uk/planningpages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "NewForestNPParser"
"Bury Metropolitan Borough Council", "Bury", "http://e-planning.bury.gov.uk/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Derby City Council", "Derby", "http://eplanning.derby.gov.uk/acolnet/planningpages02/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"London Borough of Croydon", "Croydon", "http://planning.croydon.gov.uk/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"East Lindsey District Council", "East Lindsey", "http://www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/planning/AcolnetCGI.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Fylde Borough Council", "Fylde", "http://www2.fylde.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Guildford Borough Council", "Guildford", "http://www.guildford.gov.uk/DLDC_Version_2/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Harlow Council", "Harlow", "http://planning.harlow.gov.uk/PlanningSearch/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Hertsmere Borough Council", "Hertsmere", "http://www2.hertsmere.gov.uk/ACOLNET/DCOnline//acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"London Borough of Lewisham", "Lewisham", "http://acolnet.lewisham.gov.uk/lewis-xslpagesdc/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"North Hertfordshire District Council", "North Hertfordshire", "http://www.north-herts.gov.uk/dcdataonline/Pages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"New Forest National Park", "New Forest NP", "http://web01.newforestnpa.gov.uk/planningpages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Bridgnorth District Council", "Bridgnorth", "http://www2.bridgnorth-dc.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "BridgnorthParser"
"Carlisle City Council", "Carlisle", "http://planning.carlisle.gov.uk/acolnet/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "CarlisleParser"
"Carlisle City Council", "Carlisle", "http://planning.carlisle.gov.uk/acolnet/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Newcastle City Council", "Newcastle", "http://gispublic.newcastle.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"North Wiltshire District Council", "North Wiltshire", "http://planning.northwilts.gov.uk/DCOnline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "NorthWiltshireParser"
"North Wiltshire District Council", "North Wiltshire", "http://planning.northwilts.gov.uk/DCOnline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council", "Oldham", "http://planning.oldham.gov.uk/planning/AcolNetCGI.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "OldhamParser"
"Renfrewshire Council", "Renfrewshire", "http://planning.renfrewshire.gov.uk/acolnetDCpages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "RenfrewshireParser"
"Renfrewshire Council", "Renfrewshire", "http://planning.renfrewshire.gov.uk/acolnetDCpages/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Selby District Council", "Selby", "http://publicaccess.selby.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"South Bedfordshire District Council", "South Bedfordshire", "http://planning.southbeds.gov.uk/plantech/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "SouthBedfordshireParser"
"Suffolk Coastal District Council", "Suffolk Coastal", "http://apps3.suffolkcoastal.gov.uk/DCDataV2/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "SuffolkCoastalParser"
"South Bedfordshire District Council", "South Bedfordshire", "http://planning.southbeds.gov.uk/plantech/DCWebPages/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeSearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Suffolk Coastal District Council", "Suffolk Coastal", "http://apps3.suffolkcoastal.gov.uk/DCDataV2/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Surrey Heath Borough Council", "Surrey Heath", "https://www.public.surreyheath-online.gov.uk/whalecom60b1ef305f59f921/whalecom0/Scripts/PlanningPagesOnline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "SurreyHeathParser"
"New Forest District Council", "New Forest DC", "http://web3.newforest.gov.uk/planningonline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "NewForestDCParser"
"New Forest District Council", "New Forest DC", "http://web3.newforest.gov.uk/planningonline/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Craven District Council", "Craven", "http://www.planning.cravendc.gov.uk/fastweb/", "FastWeb", "FastWeb"
"Eastleigh Borough Council", "Eastleigh", "http://www.eastleigh.gov.uk/FastWEB/", "FastWeb", "FastWeb"
"Eden District Council", "Eden", "http://eforms.eden.gov.uk/fastweb/", "FastWeb", "FastWeb"
@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@
"Tendring District Council", "Tendring", "", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"Argyl And Bute Council", "Argyl and Bute", "http://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/PublicAccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"Oxford City Council", "Oxford", "http://uniformpublicaccess.oxford.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"Havant Borough Council", "Havant", "http://www3.havant.gov.uk/scripts/planningpages/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "HavantParser"
"Havant Borough Council", "Havant", "http://www3.havant.gov.uk/scripts/planningpages/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Rochford District Council", "Rochford", "http://www.rochford.gov.uk/PublicAccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"Chester-le-Street District Council", "Chester-le-Street", "http://planning.chester-le-street.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
"Vale of the White Horse District Council", "Vale of the White Horse", "http://planning.whitehorsedc.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/", "PublicAccess", "PublicAccessParser"
@@ -144,8 +145,8 @@
"Cumbria County Council", "Cumbria", "", "AtriumePlanning", "AtriumePlanningParser"
"Lincolnshire County Council", "Lincolnshire", "http://apps1.lincolnshire.gov.uk/ePlanning/loadResults.do", "AtriumePlanning", "AtriumePlanningParser"
"West Sussex County Council", "West Sussex", "http://eplanning.westsussex.gov.uk/ePlanningOPS/loadResults.do", "AtriumePlanning", "AtriumePlanningParser"
"Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council", "Bolton", "http://www.planning.bolton.gov.uk/PlanningSearch/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "BoltonParser"
"Exeter City Council", "Exeter", "http://pub.exeter.gov.uk/scripts/Acolnet/dataonlineplanning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "ExeterParser"
"Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council", "Bolton", "http://www.planning.bolton.gov.uk/PlanningSearch/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Exeter City Council", "Exeter", "http://pub.exeter.gov.uk/scripts/Acolnet/dataonlineplanning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"Suffolk County Council", "Suffolk", "http://atrium.suffolkcc.gov.uk/ePlanning/loadResults.do", "AtriumePlanning", "AtriumePlanningParser"
"Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council", "Blackburn", "", "PlanningExplorer", "BlackburnParser"
"Broadland District Council", "Broadland", "http://www.broadland.gov.uk/", "PlanningExplorer", "BroadlandParser"
@@ -184,3 +185,6 @@
"Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council", "Shrewsbury", "http://www2.shrewsbury.gov.uk/", "PlanningExplorer", "ShrewsburyParser"
"Dorset County Council", "Dorset", "http://www.dorsetforyou.com/ePlanning/loadResults.do", "AtriumePlanning", "AtriumePlanningParser"
"Somerset County Council", "Somerset", "http://webapp1.somerset.gov.uk/ePlanning/loadResults.do", "AtriumePlanning", "AtriumePlanningParser"
"Mid Suffolk District Council", "Mid Suffolk", "http://planning.midsuffolk.gov.uk/planning/acolnetcgi.gov?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "AcolnetParser"
"London Borough of Southwark", "Southwark", "http://planningonline.southwarksites.com/planningonline2/AcolNetCGI.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "SouthwarkParser"
"Canterbury City Council", "Canterbury", "http://planning.canterbury.gov.uk/scripts/acolnetcgi.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch", "AcolnetParser", "CanterburyParser"
