__auth__ = None import re date_format = "%d/%m/%Y" def fixNewlines(text): # This can be used to sort out windows newlines return text.replace("\r\n","\n") # So what can a postcode look like then? # This list of formats comes from http://www.mailsorttechnical.com/frequentlyaskedquestions.cfm #AN NAA M1 1AA #ANN NAA M60 1NW #AAN NAA CR2 6XH #AANN NAA DN55 1PT #ANA NAA W1A 1HP #AANA NAA EC1A 1BB postcode_regex = re.compile("[A-Z][A-Z]?\d(\d|[A-Z])? ?\d[A-Z][A-Z]") def getPostcodeFromText(text): """This function takes a piece of text and returns the first bit of it that looks like a postcode.""" postcode_match = postcode_regex.search(text) if postcode_match is not None: return postcode_match.group() class PlanningAuthorityResults: """This class represents a set of results of a planning search. This should probably be separated out so that it can be used for authorities other than Cherwell. """ def __init__(self, authority_name, authority_short_name): self.authority_name = authority_name self.authority_short_name = authority_short_name # this will be a list of PlanningApplication objects self.planning_applications = [] def addApplication(self, application): self.planning_applications.append(application) def __repr__(self): return self.displayXML() def displayXML(self): """This should display the contents of this object in the planningalerts format. i.e. in the same format as this one: http://www.planningalerts.com/lambeth.xml """ applications_bit = "".join([x.displayXML() for x in self.planning_applications]) return u"""\n""" + \ u"\n" +\ u"%s\n" %self.authority_name +\ u"%s\n" %self.authority_short_name +\ u"\n" + applications_bit +\ u"\n" +\ u"\n" class PlanningApplication: def __init__(self, no_postcode_default='No postcode'): self.council_reference = None self.address = None self.postcode = no_postcode_default self.description = None self.info_url = None self.comment_url = None # expecting this as a datetime.date object self.date_received = None # If we can get them, we may as well include OSGB. # These will be the entirely numeric version. self.osgb_x = None self.osgb_y = None def __repr__(self): return self.displayXML() def is_ready(self): # This method tells us if the application is complete # Because of the postcode default, we can't really # check the postcode - make sure it is filled in when # you do the address. return self.council_reference \ and self.address \ and self.description \ and self.info_url \ and self.comment_url \ and self.date_received def displayXML(self): #print self.council_reference, self.address, self.postcode, self.description, self.info_url, self.comment_url, self.date_received contents = [ u"" %(self.council_reference), u"
" %(self.address), u"" %self.postcode, u"" %(self.description), u"" %(self.info_url), u"" %(self.comment_url), u"" %self.date_received.strftime(date_format), ] if self.osgb_x: contents.append(u"%s" %(self.osgb_x)) if self.osgb_y: contents.append(u"%s" %(self.osgb_y)) return u"\n%s\n" %('\n'.join(contents))