#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use CGI qw(:cgi); use HTML::TreeBuilder; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Writer; # The master URLs for the East Herts planning search our $SearchURL = "http://e-services.eastherts.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/WPHAPPCRITERIA"; our $InfoURL = "http://e-services.eastherts.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID="; our $CommentURL = "http://e-services.eastherts.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/wphmakerep.displayURL?ApnID="; # We're a CGI script... my $query = CGI->new(); # Get the date to fetch my $date = $query->param("day") . "/" . $query->param("month") . "/" . $query->param("year"); # Construct an LWP user agent our $UA = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1); # Do the search my $page = do_post($SearchURL, {"REGFROMDATE.MAINBODY.WPACIS.1." => $date, "REGTODATE.MAINBODY.WPACIS.1." => $date, "SEARCHBUTTON.MAINBODY.WPACIS.1." => "Search"}); # Output an HTTP response header print $query->header(-type => "text/xml"); # Create an XML output stream my $Writer = XML::Writer->new(DATA_MODE => 1); # Output the XML header data $Writer->xmlDecl("UTF-8"); $Writer->startTag("planning"); $Writer->dataElement("authority_name", "East Herts Council"); $Writer->dataElement("authority_short_name", "East Herts"); $Writer->startTag("applications"); # Output any applications on the first page output_applications($page); # Loop over any additional results pages foreach my $link ($page->look_down("_tag" => "a", "href" => qr/^WPHAPPSEARCHRES\.displayResultsURL/)) { # Fetch this page... $page = do_get(URI->new_abs($link->attr("href"), $SearchURL)); # ...and output the applications from it output_applications($page); } # Finish off XML output $Writer->endTag("applications"); $Writer->endTag("planning"); $Writer->end(); exit 0; # Make a GET request sub do_get { my $response = $UA->get(@_); die $response->status_line unless $response->is_success; return HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($response->content); } # Make a POST request sub do_post { my $response = $UA->post(@_); die $response->status_line unless $response->is_success; return HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($response->content); } # Output applications from a results page sub output_applications { my $page = shift; # Find the result table my $table = $page->look_down("_tag" => "table", "cellspacing" => "2", "cellpadding" => "2"); # Process each row of the results foreach my $row ($table->look_down("_tag" => "tr")) { my @cells = $row->look_down("_tag" => "td"); if (@cells >= 3) { my $reference = $cells[0]->as_trimmed_text; my $description = $cells[1]->as_trimmed_text; my $address = $cells[2]->as_trimmed_text; my $postcode; if ($address =~ /\s+([A-Z]+\d+\s+\d+[A-Z]+)$/) { $postcode = $1; } $Writer->startTag("application"); $Writer->dataElement("council_reference", $reference); $Writer->dataElement("address", $address); $Writer->dataElement("postcode", $postcode); $Writer->dataElement("description", $description); $Writer->dataElement("info_url", $InfoURL . $reference); $Writer->dataElement("comment_url", $CommentURL . $reference); $Writer->dataElement("date_received", $date); $Writer->endTag("application"); } } return; }