| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: mysql.php,v 1.59 2006/08/12 15:44:03 lsmith Exp $ // require_once 'MDB2/Driver/Reverse/Common.php'; /** * MDB2 MySQL driver for the schema reverse engineering module * * @package MDB2 * @category Database * @author Lukas Smith */ class MDB2_Driver_Reverse_mysql extends MDB2_Driver_Reverse_Common { // {{{ getTableFieldDefinition() /** * Get the stucture of a field into an array * * @param string $table name of table that should be used in method * @param string $field_name name of field that should be used in method * @return mixed data array on success, a MDB2 error on failure * @access public */ function getTableFieldDefinition($table, $field_name) { $db =& $this->getDBInstance(); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { return $db; } $result = $db->loadModule('Datatype', null, true); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } $table = $db->quoteIdentifier($table, true); $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE ".$db->quote($field_name); $columns = $db->queryAll($query, null, MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); if (PEAR::isError($columns)) { return $columns; } foreach ($columns as $column) { $column = array_change_key_case($column, CASE_LOWER); $column['name'] = $column['field']; unset($column['field']); if ($db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) { if ($db->options['field_case'] == CASE_LOWER) { $column['name'] = strtolower($column['name']); } else { $column['name'] = strtoupper($column['name']); } } else { $column = array_change_key_case($column, $db->options['field_case']); } if ($field_name == $column['name']) { list($types, $length, $unsigned, $fixed) = $db->datatype->mapNativeDatatype($column); $notnull = false; if (empty($column['null']) || $column['null'] !== 'YES') { $notnull = true; } $default = false; if (array_key_exists('default', $column)) { $default = $column['default']; if (is_null($default) && $notnull) { $default = ''; } } $autoincrement = false; if (!empty($column['extra']) && $column['extra'] == 'auto_increment') { $autoincrement = true; } $definition[0] = array( 'notnull' => $notnull, 'nativetype' => preg_replace('/^([a-z]+)[^a-z].*/i', '\\1', $column['type']) ); if ($length > 0) { $definition[0]['length'] = $length; } if (!is_null($unsigned)) { $definition[0]['unsigned'] = $unsigned; } if (!is_null($fixed)) { $definition[0]['fixed'] = $fixed; } if ($default !== false) { $definition[0]['default'] = $default; } if ($autoincrement !== false) { $definition[0]['autoincrement'] = $autoincrement; } foreach ($types as $key => $type) { $definition[$key] = $definition[0]; if ($type == 'clob' || $type == 'blob') { unset($definition[$key]['default']); } $definition[$key]['type'] = $type; $definition[$key]['mdb2type'] = $type; } return $definition; } } return $db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null, 'it was not specified an existing table column', __FUNCTION__); } // }}} // {{{ getTableIndexDefinition() /** * Get the stucture of an index into an array * * @param string $table name of table that should be used in method * @param string $index_name name of index that should be used in method * @return mixed data array on success, a MDB2 error on failure * @access public */ function getTableIndexDefinition($table, $index_name) { $db =& $this->getDBInstance(); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { return $db; } $index_name = $db->getIndexName($index_name); $table = $db->quoteIdentifier($table, true); $query = "SHOW INDEX FROM $table /*!50002 WHERE Key_name = ".$db->quote($index_name)." */"; $result = $db->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } $definition = array(); while (is_array($row = $result->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))) { $row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); $key_name = $row['key_name']; if ($db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) { if ($db->options['field_case'] == CASE_LOWER) { $key_name = strtolower($key_name); } else { $key_name = strtoupper($key_name); } } if ($index_name == $key_name) { if (!$row['non_unique']) { return $db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null, 'it was not specified an existing table index', __FUNCTION__); } $column_name = $row['column_name']; if ($db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) { if ($db->options['field_case'] == CASE_LOWER) { $column_name = strtolower($column_name); } else { $column_name = strtoupper($column_name); } } $definition['fields'][$column_name] = array(); if (!empty($row['collation'])) { $definition['fields'][$column_name]['sorting'] = ($row['collation'] == 'A' ? 'ascending' : 'descending'); } } } $result->free(); if (empty($definition['fields'])) { return $db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null, 'it was not specified an existing table index', __FUNCTION__); } return $definition; } // }}} // {{{ getTableConstraintDefinition() /** * Get the stucture of a constraint into an array * * @param string $table name of table that should be used in method * @param string $index_name name of index that should be used in method * @return mixed data array on success, a MDB2 error on failure * @access public */ function getTableConstraintDefinition($table, $index_name) { $db =& $this->getDBInstance(); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { return $db; } if (strtolower($index_name) != 'primary') { $index_name = $db->getIndexName($index_name); } $table = $db->quoteIdentifier($table, true); $query = "SHOW INDEX FROM $table /*!50002 WHERE Key_name = ".$db->quote($index_name)." */"; $result = $db->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } $definition = array(); while (is_array($row = $result->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))) { $row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); $key_name = $row['key_name']; if ($db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) { if ($db->options['field_case'] == CASE_LOWER) { $key_name = strtolower($key_name); } else { $key_name = strtoupper($key_name); } } if ($index_name == $key_name) { if ($row['non_unique']) { return $db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null, 'it was not specified an existing table constraint', __FUNCTION__); } if ($row['key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $definition['primary'] = true; } else { $definition['unique'] = true; } $column_name = $row['column_name']; if ($db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) { if ($db->options['field_case'] == CASE_LOWER) { $column_name = strtolower($column_name); } else { $column_name = strtoupper($column_name); } } $definition['fields'][$column_name] = array(); if (!empty($row['collation'])) { $definition['fields'][$column_name]['sorting'] = ($row['collation'] == 'A' ? 'ascending' : 'descending'); } } } $result->free(); if (empty($definition['fields'])) { return $db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null, 'it was not specified an existing table constraint', __FUNCTION__); } return $definition; } // }}} // {{{ tableInfo() /** * Returns information about a table or a result set * * @param object|string $result MDB2_result object from a query or a * string containing the name of a table. * While this also accepts a query result * resource identifier, this behavior is * deprecated. * @param int $mode a valid tableInfo mode * * @return array an associative array with the information requested. * A MDB2_Error object on failure. * * @see MDB2_Driver_Common::setOption() */ function tableInfo($result, $mode = null) { if (is_string($result)) { return parent::tableInfo($result, $mode); } $db =& $this->getDBInstance(); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { return $db; } $id = MDB2::isResultCommon($result) ? $result->getResource() : $result; if (!is_resource($id)) { return $db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null, 'Could not generate result ressource', __FUNCTION__); } if ($db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) { if ($db->options['field_case'] == CASE_LOWER) { $case_func = 'strtolower'; } else { $case_func = 'strtoupper'; } } else { $case_func = 'strval'; } $count = @mysql_num_fields($id); $res = array(); if ($mode) { $res['num_fields'] = $count; } $db->loadModule('Datatype', null, true); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $res[$i] = array( 'table' => $case_func(@mysql_field_table($id, $i)), 'name' => $case_func(@mysql_field_name($id, $i)), 'type' => @mysql_field_type($id, $i), 'length' => @mysql_field_len($id, $i), 'flags' => @mysql_field_flags($id, $i), ); if ($res[$i]['type'] == 'string') { $res[$i]['type'] = 'char'; } elseif ($res[$i]['type'] == 'unknown') { $res[$i]['type'] = 'decimal'; } $mdb2type_info = $db->datatype->mapNativeDatatype($res[$i]); if (PEAR::isError($mdb2type_info)) { return $mdb2type_info; } $res[$i]['mdb2type'] = $mdb2type_info[0][0]; if ($mode & MDB2_TABLEINFO_ORDER) { $res['order'][$res[$i]['name']] = $i; } if ($mode & MDB2_TABLEINFO_ORDERTABLE) { $res['ordertable'][$res[$i]['table']][$res[$i]['name']] = $i; } } return $res; } } ?>