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34 lines
594 B

  1. <?php
  2. require_once ("config.php");
  3. require_once ("user.php");
  4. $checkmail_page = new checkmail_page;
  5. class checkmail_page {
  6. //Constructor
  7. function checkmail_page() {
  8. $this->bind();
  9. }
  10. //Bind
  11. function bind() {
  12. //page vars
  13. $form_action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
  14. //smarty
  15. $smarty = new Smarty;
  16. $smarty->force_compile = true;
  17. $smarty->compile_dir = SMARTY_COMPILE_DIRECTORY;
  18. $smarty->assign("page_title","Now check your email");
  19. $smarty->assign("menu_item", "signup");
  20. //Render
  21. $smarty->display('checkmail.tpl');
  22. }
  23. }
  24. ?>