- <?php
- require_once ("config.php");
- require_once ("phpcoord.php");
- $api = new api;
- class api {
- //Properties
- var $warnings = array();
- var $applications;
- //Constructor
- function api() {
- if (isset($_GET['howto'])){
- redirect("apihowto.php");//this handles old links to this page
- exit;
- } else {
- if(isset($_GET['call'])){
- $this->setup();
- }else{
- $this->setup_old();
- }
- $this->bind();
- }
- }
- //setup
- function setup(){
- //get the call type
- $call = $_GET['call'];
- switch ($call) {
- case "postcode":
- if(!isset($_GET['postcode']) || !is_postcode($_GET['area_size'])){
- array_push($this->warnings, "No valid postcode specified");
- }
- if(!isset($_GET['area_size'])){
- array_push($this->warnings, "Area size specified");
- }
- //all good, get the data
- if(sizeof($this->warnings) == 0){
- $xy = postcode_to_location($_GET['postcode']);
- $easting = $xy[0];
- $northing = $xy[1];
- $this->applications = Applications::query($easting, $northing, alert_size_to_meters($_GET['area_size']));
- }
- break;
- case "point":
- //validation
- if(!isset($_GET['lat']) || !isset($_GET['lng'])){
- array_push($this->warnings, "No longitude or latitude was specified");
- }
- if(!isset($_GET['area_size'])){
- array_push($this->warnings, "Area size specified");
- }
- //all good, get the data
- if(sizeof($this->warnings) == 0){
- $latlng = new LatLng($_GET['lat'], $_GET['lng']);
- $xy = $latlng->toOSRef();
- $easting = $xy->easting;
- $northing = $xy->northing;
- $this->applications = Applications::query($easting, $northing, alert_size_to_meters($_GET['area_size']));
- }
- break;
- case "pointos":
- //validation
- if(!isset($_GET['easting']) || !isset($_GET['northing'])){
- array_push($this->warnings, "No easting or northing was specified");
- }
- if(!isset($_GET['area_size'])){
- array_push($this->warnings, "Area size specified");
- }
- //all good, get the data
- if(sizeof($this->warnings) == 0){
- $this->applications = Applications::query($_GET['easting'], $_GET['$northing'], alert_size_to_meters($_GET['area_size']));
- }
- break;
- case "authority":
- //validation
- if(!isset($_GET['authority'])){
- array_push($this->warnings, "No authority name specified");
- }
- //all good, get the data
- if(sizeof($this->warnings) == 0){
- $this->applications = Applications::query_authority($_GET['authority']);
- }
- break;
- case "area":
- //validation
- if(!isset($_GET['bottom_left_lat']) || !isset($_GET['bottom_left_lng']) || !isset($_GET['top_right_lat']) || !isset($_GET['top_right_lng'])){
- array_push($this->warnings, "Bounding box was not specified");
- }
- //all good, get the data
- if(sizeof($this->warnings) == 0){
- $bottom_left_latlng = new LatLng($_GET['bottom_left_lat'], $_GET['bottom_left_lng']);
- $bottom_left_xy = $latlng->toOSRef();
- $top_right_latlng = new LatLng($_GET['bottom_left_lat'], $_GET['bottom_left_lng']);
- $top_right_xy = $latlng->toOSRef();
- $this->applications = Applications::query_area($bottom_left_xy->easting, $bottom_left_xy->northing, $top_right_xy->easting, $top_right_xy->northing);
- }
- break;
- default:
- $this->warnings = "No call type specified";
- }
- }
- //setup old (maintains the original mini api)
- function setup_old (){
- //Grab the postcode and area size from the get string
- if (!isset($_GET['area_size'])){ //check is_numeric and isn't too big
- array_push($this->warnings, "No area size specified");
- }
- if (sizeof($this->warnings) == 0){
- //Get OS ref from postcode
- if (isset($_GET['postcode'])) {
- $xy = postcode_to_location($_GET['postcode']);
- $this->easting = $xy[0];
- $this->northing = $xy[1];
- } else {
- $latlng = new LatLng($_GET['lat'], $_GET['lng']);
- $xy = $latlng->toOSRef();
- $this->easting = $xy->easting;
- $this->northing = $xy->northing;
- }
- $this->area_size = $_GET['area_size'];
- $this->applications = Applications::query($this->easting, $this->northing, alert_size_to_meters($this->area_size));
- }
- }
- //Bind
- function bind () {
- //page vars
- $form_action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
- header("Content-Type: text/xml");
- //smarty
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->force_compile = true;
- $smarty->compile_dir = SMARTY_COMPILE_DIRECTORY;
- $smarty->assign("warnings", $this->warnings);
- $smarty->assign("applications", $this->applications);
- //Render
- $smarty->display('rss.tpl');
- }
- //howto
- function howto() {
- $form_action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->force_compile = true;
- $smarty->compile_dir = SMARTY_COMPILE_DIRECTORY;
- $smarty->assign("page_title","API");
- $smarty->assign("menu_item","api");
- $smarty->display('apihowto.tpl');
- }
- }
- ?>