- #!/opt/local/bin/ruby
- description = nil
- address = nil
- ref = nil
- getaddress = false
- url = nil
- puts '<planning>
- <authority_name>City of Westminster</authority_name>
- <authority_short_name>Westminster</authority_short_name>
- <applications>'
- while line = gets
- if line.index('Proposal:')
- description = line.gsub('<tr><td class="tablefeature">Proposal:</td><td class="tablefeature">','').gsub('</td></tr>','').strip
- end
- if line.index('<tr><td><a href="currentsearch-details.cfm?CASENO=')
- ref = line.gsub('<tr><td><a href="currentsearch-details.cfm?CASENO=','').gsub('</a></td></tr>','').strip
- ref = ref[ref.index('>')+1..ref.length]
- url = line.gsub('<tr><td><a href="','')
- url = url[0, url.index('">')]
- end
- if getaddress
- getaddress = false if line.index('Proposal:')
- end
- if getaddress
- address += line.gsub('</td></tr>','').strip + ' '
- end
- if line.index('<tr><td class="tablefeature">Address:</td><td class="tablefeature">')
- address = line.gsub('<tr><td class="tablefeature">Address:</td><td class="tablefeature">','').strip + ' '
- getaddress = true
- end
- if line.index('</table>') and address
- puts '<application>'
- puts "<council_reference>#{ref}</council_reference>"
- puts "<address>#{address.strip}</address>"
- if address
- m = address.strip.match(/[A-Z]?[A-Z]\d?\d \d[A-Z][A-Z]/)
- if m
- puts "<postcode>#{m}</postcode>"
- else
- puts "<postcode></postcode>"
- end
- end
- puts "<description>#{description}</description>"
- puts "<info_url>http://www3.westminster.gov.uk/planningapplications/#{url}</info_url>"
- puts "<comment_url></comment_url>"
- puts '</application>'
- end
- end
- puts '</applications>'
- puts '</planning>'