# Scrape planning applications for a single council/authority 1. Fork this repo to your own GitHub account. 2. Sign in to [Morph](https://morph.io) with your GitHub account. 3. Create a [new scraper](https://morph.io/scrapers/new) on Morph. 4. Choose your forked repo (`single_authority_planning_applications`) as the scraper code. 5. In the Morph settings page, create two `Secret environment variables`: 6. Set `MORPH_AUTHORITY_NAME` to the name of your council, eg `Hackney`. 7. Set `MORPH_DAYS` to the number of recent days you want to scrape, eg `7`. 8. Run the scraper. 9. Use the [Morph API](https://morph.io/documentation/api) to grab your scraped data or download CSV/SQLite files straight from your scraper page. You must be signed in to do that. 10. On your scraper's Settings page, tick the `Auto run` box to make your scraper run once per day.