Election results in the London Borough of Sutton.
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před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
před 13 roky
  1. - @page_title = "#{@election.body.name} #{@election.kind} #{long_date(@election.d)}"
  2. .nav
  3. %p
  4. %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{@election.body.slug}" }
  5. «
  6. = @election.body.name
  7. - if @elections_for_this_body.size > 1
  8. %p
  9. - @election_index = @elections_for_this_body.index(@election)
  10. - unless @election_index == 0
  11. - @previous_election = @elections_for_this_body[@election_index - 1]
  12. %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{@election.body.slug}/elections/#{@previous_election.d}", :title => "Previous #{@election.body.name} election" }<
  13. &laquo;
  14. = @previous_election.kind
  15. &nbsp;
  16. = short_date(@previous_election.d)
  17. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  18. - unless @election_index == @elections_for_this_body.size - 1
  19. - @next_election = @elections_for_this_body[@election_index + 1]
  20. %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{@election.body.slug}/elections/#{@next_election.d}", :title => "Next #{@election.body.name} election" }<
  21. = @next_election.kind
  22. &nbsp;
  23. = short_date(@next_election.d)
  24. &raquo;
  25. %h1
  26. = @election.body.name
  27. = @election.kind
  28. %br
  29. = long_date(@election.d)
  30. %p= @election.reason
  31. - if @election.candidacies.count > 0
  32. %p
  33. = @election.candidacies.count
  34. = "candidate".pluralize(@election.candidacies.count)
  35. contested
  36. = @total_seats
  37. = "seat".pluralize(@total_seats)
  38. in
  39. = @total_districts
  40. = @election.body.district_name.pluralize(@total_districts)
  41. in Sutton.
  42. %h2 Seats, votes and candidates by party
  43. %table
  44. %tr.header
  45. %th &nbsp;
  46. %th &nbsp;
  47. %th.highlight seats won
  48. %th votes
  49. %th % seats
  50. %th % votes
  51. %th votes per seat
  52. %th candidates
  53. %th votes per candidate
  54. -#
  55. %th relative popularity
  56. - @max_votes_per_candidate = @results_by_party.first.votez.to_f / @results_by_party.first.cands.to_f # We really need to scan the array for the max value
  57. - @results_by_party.each do |row|
  58. %tr
  59. %td{ :style => "background-color: #{row.colour}" } &nbsp;
  60. %td.data_party= row.name
  61. %td.data_seats.right.highlight= row.seatz
  62. %td.data_votes.right= commify(row.votez)
  63. %td.right= format_percent(row.seatz.to_f / @total_seats * 100)
  64. %td.right= format_percent(row.votez.to_f / @total_votes * 100)
  65. %td.data_votes_per_seat.right
  66. - if row.seatz > 0
  67. = commify(row.votez / row.seatz)
  68. - else
  69. &mdash;
  70. %td.data_candidates.right= row.cands
  71. %td.right= commify(row.votez / row.cands)
  72. -#
  73. %td.right= format_percent( ( row.votez.to_f / row.cands.to_f ) / @max_votes_per_candidate * 100)
  74. %tr.footer
  75. %td &nbsp;
  76. %td &nbsp;
  77. %td.right.highlight= @total_seats
  78. %td.right= commify(@total_votes)
  79. %td &nbsp;
  80. %td &nbsp;
  81. %td &nbsp;
  82. %td &nbsp;
  83. %td &nbsp;
  84. %h2
  85. = @election.body.district_name.capitalize.pluralize(2)
  86. contested in this election
  87. %table
  88. %tr.header
  89. %th &nbsp;
  90. %th seats
  91. %th candidates
  92. %th votes
  93. - @results_by_district.each do |row|
  94. %tr
  95. %td
  96. %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{@election.body.slug}/elections/#{@election.d}/#{@election.body.districts_name}/#{row.district_slug}"}
  97. = row.name
  98. %td.right= row.seats
  99. %td.right= row.num_candidates
  100. %td.right= commify(row.votez)
  101. %tr.footer
  102. %td &nbsp;
  103. %td.right= @total_seats
  104. %td.right= @election.candidacies.count
  105. %td.right= commify(@total_votes)
  106. - else
  107. %p Full details and results will be available on this page.