%h1 Voting %h2 Voting at your polling station %p Most people vote at their local polling station. This is usually in a school, hall or community centre near you. %p The council will send you a %strong poll card showing you where to vote. %p If you lose your poll card, don't worry. You can still vote as long as you are registered. %p You can vote at your polling station %strong between 7am and 10pm on election day. %p If you don't want to vote at a polling station or are unable to get there you can: %ul %li vote by post %li ask someone to vote for you %h2 Voting by post %p Anyone can apply to vote by post. %p If you are registered to vote by post you won't be allowed to vote at a polling station. %h2 Asking someone to vote for you %p You can choose to have someone vote for you at the polling station. This is called a %strong proxy vote. %p If you want to vote by post or have someone vote for you and haven't already told Sutton Council about this, do it straight away.