- @page_title = @ward.name + " Ward Candidates" - if @postcode .grid_12 %h2.noprint These are the candidates for = @postcode .clear .grid_6 %h1.adr %span.locality = @ward.constituency.name MP candidates .grid_6 %h1.adr %span.locality = @ward.name ward council candidates .clear .grid_6 %p You can vote for %strong ONE of these people to become your member of parliament. %p.noprint Find out more about %a{ :href => '/how-the-parliament-election-works' } how the parliament election works. .grid_6 %p You can vote for %strong THREE of these people to become your local councillors. %p.noprint Find out more about %a{ :href => '/how-the-council-election-works' } how the council election works. .clear .grid_6 - for candidate in @ward.constituency.parliamentcandidates %p.vcard %span.candidate_name.fn = candidate.forenames.split(' ')[0] = candidate.surname %br %span.candidate_party.org = candidate.party.name %p.highlight This list of candidates may be incomplete as people have until %strong 20 April to decide whether they want to stand for election as the = @ward.constituency.name MP. .grid_6 - for candidate in @ward.councilcandidates %p.vcard %span.candidate_name.fn = candidate.forenames.split(' ')[0] = candidate.surname %br %span.candidate_party.org = candidate.party.name