%nav %a{ :href => "/candidates" } « All candidates %h1= page_title = candidate.name %h2 Elections contested %table %tr %th   %th date %th party %th body %th district %th votes %th position %th   - candidacies.each do |ccy| %tr %td{ :style => "background-color: #{ccy['party_colour']}" }   %td %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{ccy['body_slug']}/elections/#{ccy['d']}" } -# Postgres returns ccy['d'] as a Date and sqlite returns it as a String = long_date(ccy['d']) %td= party_name(ccy['labcoop'], ccy['party_name']) %td %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{ccy['body_slug']}" } = ccy['body_name'] %td %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{ccy['body_slug']}/elections/#{ccy['d']}/#{ccy['districts_name']}/#{ccy['district_slug']}" } = ccy['district_name'] - if ccy['votes'].nil? # election results not yet available %td.right — %td.right — %td.right — - else %td.right= commify(ccy['votes']) %td.right= to_ordinal(ccy['position']) %td.elected_text= ccy['seats'] == 1 ? "Elected" : "Not elected" .warning %p This might not be the complete electoral history for this candidate. They might have stood in elections outside Sutton and / or in Sutton elections for which we don't have data. %p Some candidates have more than one profile page due to them using slightly different names in different elections. See the full %a{ :href => "/candidates/##{candidate.surname[0]}" }< candidates list for details.