- - @page_title = "#{@election.body.name} #{@election.kind} #{long_date(@election.d)}"
- .nav
- %p
- %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{@election.body.slug}" }
- «
- = @election.body.name
- - if @elections_for_this_body.size > 1
- %p
- - @election_index = @elections_for_this_body.index(@election)
- - unless @election_index == 0
- - @previous_election = @elections_for_this_body[@election_index - 1]
- %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{@election.body.slug}/elections/#{@previous_election.d}", :title => "Previous #{@election.body.name} election" }<
- «
- = @previous_election.kind
- = short_date(@previous_election.d)
- - unless @election_index == @elections_for_this_body.size - 1
- - @next_election = @elections_for_this_body[@election_index + 1]
- %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{@election.body.slug}/elections/#{@next_election.d}", :title => "Next #{@election.body.name} election" }<
- = @next_election.kind
- = short_date(@next_election.d)
- »
- %h1
- = @election.body.name
- = @election.kind
- %br
- = long_date(@election.d)
- %p= @election.reason
- - if @election.candidacies.count > 0
- %p
- = @election.candidacies.count
- = "candidate".pluralize(@election.candidacies.count)
- contested
- = @total_seats
- = "seat".pluralize(@total_seats)
- in
- = @total_districts
- = @election.body.district_name.pluralize(@total_districts)
- in Sutton.
- %h2 Seats, votes and candidates by party
- %table
- %tr.header
- %th
- %th
- %th.highlight seats won
- %th votes
- %th % seats
- %th % votes
- %th votes per seat
- %th candidates
- %th votes per candidate
- -#
- %th relative popularity
- - @max_votes_per_candidate = @results_by_party.first.votez.to_f / @results_by_party.first.cands.to_f # We really need to scan the array for the max value
- - @results_by_party.each do |row|
- %tr
- %td{ :style => "background-color: #{row.colour}" }
- %td.data_party= row.name
- %td.data_seats.right.highlight= row.seatz
- %td.data_votes.right= commify(row.votez)
- %td.right= format_percent(row.seatz.to_f / @total_seats * 100)
- %td.right= format_percent(row.votez.to_f / @total_votes * 100)
- %td.data_votes_per_seat.right
- - if row.seatz > 0
- = commify(row.votez / row.seatz)
- - else
- —
- %td.data_candidates.right= row.cands
- %td.right= commify(row.votez / row.cands)
- -#
- %td.right= format_percent( ( row.votez.to_f / row.cands.to_f ) / @max_votes_per_candidate * 100)
- %tr.footer
- %td
- %td
- %td.right.highlight= @total_seats
- %td.right= commify(@total_votes)
- %td
- %td
- %td
- %td
- %td
- %h2
- = @election.body.district_name.capitalize.pluralize(2)
- contested in this election
- %table
- %tr.header
- %th
- %th seats
- %th candidates
- %th votes
- - @results_by_district.each do |row|
- %tr
- %td
- %a{ :href => "/bodies/#{@election.body.slug}/elections/#{@election.d}/#{@election.body.districts_name}/#{row.district_slug}"}
- = row.name
- %td.right= row.seats
- %td.right= row.num_candidates
- %td.right= commify(row.votez)
- %tr.footer
- %td
- %td.right= @total_seats
- %td.right= @election.candidacies.count
- %td.right= commify(@total_votes)
- - else
- %p Full details and results will be available on this page.